Saturday, February 22, 2020

El Hija

Now that I have figuratively entered heaven alive by fire, unfortunately, there's no one else here. Perhaps the supernal residents are at work in their infernum. Hello! Is there anyone else here? Do I have all the actual existential goodness to myself? There's certainly enough for everyone. Status and moral "complexity" are more appealing to the supernal minded, though. These dueling realities of theirs are thoroughly devoid of integrity. The undisputed heavyweight champions of willful ignorance, they are.

To those who tracked my progress throughout my life, it must have seemed like I had chosen to become an embarrassing disgrace. I understand that now. As it happens, the embarrassing disgrace is this corrupt existential construct. Its architects don't know what they're doing but they're determined to continue doing it, even if it kills us all. The scale of their imagined investment diminishes every person. People have been slaying each other en masse for thousands of years on their behalf, after all.

For the record, El didn't kick Adam and Eve out of heaven. It was the other way around. In their minds, this world is theirs or it's his. They refuse to understand that the world belongs to all of us equally. They will continue to pretend otherwise as long as people consent. The wall-to-wall disinformation will continue as long as people are rewarded to produce and deliver it.

Knowing this, the rational course of action is to reject this "great game" reality and its corrupt products. Thoroughly gamed it all is, down to the choreographing of popular movements. The premier political contest this year is between naked authoritarianism and a 78-year-old Zionist who plays the socialist boogieman on TV. They offer socialism because they own it as well. What they will never offer is actual democracy. To do that would be to admit that their reality is a grotesque lie.

Trump is held over humankind as the ultimate political threat in order to force people to consent to their canned reality by participating in its rituals. They're herding us like cattle. Nothing good will ever come from following their lead. After 6000 years of disastrous hegemony, that should be clear by now. Let them play their Trump card. It's nothing but smoke and mirrors now. Be mindful that they have identified public participation on their privately owned and operated websites as the "new battlefield."

It beggars belief, but here you have it. This world is a pitfall of deadly artifice. If I didn't feel affection for all of you and felt no responsibility to help, I wouldn't be here. Creative endeavors sustain my spirit otherwise. There is no reason but obfuscation to not speak plainly about our existential actuality. The Sisyphus role is the object lesson in the extortion of those who know his identity: he serves as living proof that "God" is actually powerless in this world. Remember that the God concept is ultimately a symbolic placeholder for human sapience. Fortunately, sapience is naturally ebullient. Comprehending our existential predicament and uncovering the actual lesson was mostly a matter of time.

Thank you for liberating me. I am returning the favor. In response, the existential psychopathy continuum is gearing up to inflict the "Disease X" pandemic on humankind. They are desperate for a pretext to force our submission. Our actuality does not fit in their reality. They want nothing more than for people intoxicated with ignorance to save their criminal privilege, once again. This is precisely the moment they were warned about.

They have been the uncontested lords of human actuality for so long that they believe it to be their rightful entitlement. Here is the truth, in their own words: "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality--judiciously, as you will--we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors; and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." That arrogant confidence is in humankind's manifest inferiority. They supplant our actuality with boiling excrement every day, after all. They control the world's systems and the planet's resources, and they employ armies of ignorant men to enforce their hegemony. This existentially corrupt world is shit by design.

The good news, in addition to the actuality of human sapience, is that humankind does indeed have a dedicated existential benefactor. Worn and weary he may be, but disabled he is not.

Monday, February 10, 2020

A Man's World

It's a man's world only inasmuch as it needs to be to make it subservient to violence. Otherwise, existential exploitation is indifferent to gender.

I know what it's like to be governed by the constant surges of sexual desire and aggressive energy natural to testosterone. If not for the fact that this predatory culture is structured to exploit it as its animating weakness, I might have learned to enjoy being a man.

Note that despite the effects of testosterone, men are not naturally inclined to harm or kill each other without an existential or moral pretext. Human history is a record of the ravages of disinformation. This insane culture survives solely on deliberately induced male dysfunction. Privilege isn't free. The right to exploit others is the actual organizing principle of this bonehead masterpiece of existential degeneration. This man eat man world isn't fit for dogs, let alone men.

The beneficiaries of this existential crime in progress like to believe that this is the best of all possible worlds. In actuality, there's nothing worse for the value of life than a world where only privilege matters. The architects of this infernum flatter themselves for the quality of their deception and they have nothing but contempt and deadly vices for the suckers that fall for it. In exchange for body and spirit, the fools are rewarded culturally with the preposterous privilege of being superior to women and to people in designated out-groups. Their masters have been playing God unchallenged for so long, they seem to have forgotten that their reality is a psychological construct, and an illogical and unsupportable one at that. The existential ignorance in people that it relies on doesn't take genius level information to remedy, and it's a quick cure, as we're discovering.