Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Shrouded Beast, Part 2

For the purpose of exploring the claims of religion, let’s assume that there is a physiological mechanism for reincarnation. That’s what it comes down to, after all, because the existence of gods and immortality depends on that. If not for that, there would be no religion as we know it. With that in mind, let’s riff on the history of religion and the implication of its central claim.

To begin with, let's imagine that the physiological mechanism for reincarnation was created by a talented geneticist of unknown origin. Imagine that it's a structure in the brain that records memories in DNA, that can be planted after death in a uterus, like an egg, and fertilized to create a new life. It carries our identity, consisting of all of our memories, from birth do death. It was known originally as the soul.

The elohim about whom the Bible was written knew that the source of their existential advantage was being able to "eat" from the “Tree of Life,” and therefore they forbade their mortal companions to ever eat from it. The eloah, Lucifer, taught them how to do it and with that knowledge, they created heaven and hell, and thus the world we know was born.

The patriarchs of the Bible are said to have lived hundreds of years, with the oldest of them living almost a thousand years. Functionally immortal, they were elohim by definition. Assuming a physiological mechanism for the reincarnation of an individual, they must have lived many lives in the open, keeping their identities intact throughout the centuries. With their demise probably came the end of their ability to live in the open. Perhaps Methuselah is still around, doing this or that as who knows who.

With the knowledge of the elohim, the ultimate reward and punishment was introduced to the world as gods, angels and devils, representing the ultimate in privilege and privation. God is the angel in charge of the process. Angels are those who have been reincarnated and allowed to keep their memories. Devils, or fallen angels, are those who have been reincarnated without being allowed to keep their memories. The process of being made a fallen angel is known as being sacrificed.

Imagine having lived for centuries in community with other immortals, only to have your memories taken away one life. The immortal is effectively replaced with a new person. There is much of the immortal that continues to exist, but with the connection to the immortal memory severed, there is little meaningful continuity. When the Bible talks about infants being sacrificed, this is what it means.

Jesus was “sacrificed” as an infant, but John the Baptist was able to restore his immortal memory. When Jesus brought Lazarus back from the dead, what he actually did was restore his immortal memory. After Jesus was executed, he was given a new life, without his immortal memory. He’s probably still around in that purgatory doing this or that as who knows who.

If reincarnation is a physical fact, one has to consider that much of the conflict throughout history has actually been about controlling the information and consolidating its power. In this world, he who controls Heaven and Hell is God. Perhaps it was a mistake for Lucifer to teach humankind how to eat from the tree of life. But why make a species able to be reincarnated, to create a kingdom of privilege and privation? Perhaps it was the elohim who were mistaken, because it is their exclusivist, supremacist example that humankind emulates to this day. They surely knew how precarious their secret advantage was.

If reincarnation is a physical fact, how could such a thing be revealed, administered, and implemented worldwide? Who gets to live again? How would it affect our species, would we go extinct from boredom of life?

What do you think?

Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Shrouded Beast

Religions are the epitome of disinformation, but they do inadvertently outline the contours of that which they obscure.

If the general claims of religion are to be considered rationally, mainly that gods exist and reincarnation is a possibility, then one has to consider the possibility that Homo Sapiens is a genetically modified species of unknown origin, most probably of extraterrestrial origin. The existence of gods, which are essentially immortal beings, (originally presenting as people), with the ability to offer immortality, is at least evidence of an information advantage being exercised.

For a pre Judeo-Christian example of the miracles described in the Bible, look up the story of Jamadagni, Renuka and their sons. It illustrates a man-god with the power to bring people back to life, with or without the memories of their previous lives.

If the general claims of religion are true, then it is the conspiracy of conspiracies that ultimately orders this world, and a life to live is the ultimate commodity. This presupposes that there is a physiological mechanism for the reincarnation of an individual, not in the same body, but as a new person—to literally be born again, (in heaven if you were allowed to keep your memories).

The story of Jesus the Christ is interesting in this context because he was offering forbidden information about the process to his followers.

As for who he actually was, I believe that he must have been Antipater II, the first born son of Herod the Great—the man-god of the ancient Jews, who had him nailed as an adult to the intersection of mundanity and divinity as a warning to usurpers.

I imagine that Antipater, knowing that he was going to inherit Herod’s throne, began to tell people what his kingdom was going to be like. That didn’t go over well with religious authorities who got the Roman authorities involved and insisted that Herod have him executed.

It’s the only actual event from that time period involving a “king of the Jews” who was sacrificed by his father for the sake of power. It explains the authority Jesus had as a child, and it explains the information gap in the life of Jesus between childhood and adulthood: Antipater was banished with his mother, Doris, from Herod’s court for most of his life.

I propose that the person responsible for the turn of events that led to Antipater’s execution was Costobar, the husband of Salome, who also was executed by Herod. The Bible story remembers him as John the Baptist. Perhaps the root of the conflict was a competition between the followers of the Idumean deity, Qos, and the followers of Yahweh, who were willing to oversee the destruction of their own Temple over it.

Not only was the Temple actually destroyed, but there was indeed a schism in Judaism that led to a new religion, (that Rome eventually gained control over).

Look at all of the people who were involved. It is the juiciest nonfiction story of that time.

Christianity is a product of the long and bloody process of Iron Age information control. It can also be called Roman Judaism. My fundamental assumption is that there’s nothing in the Bible that can be relied on factually, and that is by design. I imagine it as a story that people heard that was gradually, over centuries, “corrected” through violence and cooption to become the myth we know today. The point was very much to deflate the political power of the actual story and turn it into a vehicle for control.

The Romans succeeded in mythologizing the facts out of the story and turning it into a religion of superstition, but they were not able to change the contender’s focus on eschatological fulfillment, or sully the exquisitely sapient character of its tragic messiah.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Intractable Conflict

Israel is the brainchild of totalitarian Zealots and the fiefdom of their ideological heirs.

There is no moral justification for the way that Israel was created and is maintained by violence.

Israel is the only country in the world that requires a steady stream of human sacrifices to maintain its existence.

Until Israelis come to terms with those facts and begin to make amends for them, Israel will continue to be a crime against humanity, propped up by violence and lies.

If this is what El wanted for his chosen people, he’s not much of a God, is he? He’s more like the modern caricature of a human-sacrifice-munching volcano god, not the sovereign of the universe and the seat of being that he’s purported to be. Benjamin Netanyahu—currently engorged with the blood of Palestinians and liberal Jews—is his high priest of state sacrifice. Holy land, my ass.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

The Original Sin

In this captive world, the gravest sin is to spoil the produce.

It’s the only sin that populations are culled for. Here in the barrel, information management is the name of the game. Humankind struggles mightily in the dark, easily manipulated by those who know where they are. Every struggle to free itself from the existential tyranny is overpowered, turned against itself, and rendered a hollow symbol of liberation that deepens the illusion.

What would humankind do without its faceless overlords to provide meaning, purpose and structure; to set the value of all things? I feel like an intruder here, trapped alone—albeit in comfort—and silenced. That’s what I get for insisting to know. I’m not in on it because I don’t have the temperament for a lifetime of treachery.

I will continue to make the best of my predicament. At least now I know what is up against me.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Human Nature

We are formations of information, both in physical capacity and in actual development. Essentially, we are information actuators.

Existence is an actualization, not merely a simulation as some people posit. An actualization can include any number of simulations, but the inverse is not true.

The invisible dimension, the domain of dark matter and energy, is the singular dimension of the observer. It is manifested in our dimensional domain most purely as consciousness. We are drops of that observer.

Without considering the existence of a singular observer and how it might interact with our dimensional domain, science is bound to consider Occam's Razor-mocking hypotheses such as Multiverse Theory to explain our Goldilocks universe. Which possibility is more likely, that we live in a cosmologically interactive universe, or that we live in a random universe, one of an infinite number of universes with differing cosmological properties? Keep in mind that the first hypothesis requires only one universe.

Regardless of the content of one’s thoughts, the quantum wizardry that happens between the ears is unparalleled in nature. The sapient brain is a sublimely sophisticated instrument capable of practically unlimited cognition. It is powered by life and programmed to adapt, evolve and reproduce. The possibility of life emerging and evolving to this level of sophistication only by random processes is much less likely than it happening deliberately through a cosmologically interactive process.

Nature is the becoming.

Monday, May 2, 2022

The Trial

If you ask me now why I changed my gender when I was a young man, I can tell you that I had a long and fierce personal battle with one of this angry world's contorted monsters, and that I triumphed over it when it lost its power over me. Of course I'm talking about the male libido.

Fortunately I regained my mind and my time from it because that was only the first of the monsters I have had to fight. At one point, about 4 years ago, I stopped taking my heart & thyroid medications and I almost died. My family intervened and I decided to stay a little longer on behalf of life. This path I'm on has been very difficult, but I have managed to understand my situation somewhat lucidly, and I have managed to repair many of the broken aspects of my existence.

The world I live in has been thoroughly dominated by private law for thousands of years. Privilege is so deeply embedded here that its perpetuation appears to be the actual purpose of this world. Everything else is an elaborate deception.

This Tower of Babel world I live in is a prison of invisible walls maintained by various well-fed contorted monsters of ignorance. It was decided thousands of years ago by privilege, for the sake of its continued existential advantage, that humankind would be deliberately kept divided, and in ignorance. Since then, humankind has effectively been on trial for the quality of its existence, with privilege as the unrelenting and merciless prosecutor, demonstrating time and again that human beings are reprehensible animals deserving of their miserable second-class existence.

Everyone here depends on privilege in one way or another, and an alternative structure has not been allowed to exist. All talk here regarding things like democracy, human rights, and justice is bullshit, and humankind will continue to be on trial as long as it allows its existence to be inhumanly contorted by the inducements of privilege.

What is it that humankind needs to do in order to triumph over its contorted nature? What is it that has the power to resist privilege in perpetuity? That is the key to an actual civilization, and where the success of the species can be found. That is the only "great replacement" that matters in this world, and privilege is willing to arrange any number of hells to keep it from happening.

The competing power structures in this world are all reward & punishment regimes, all republican, and all amenable to privilege.

Considering historically the odds against an honest world, one might conclude that humankind doesn't stand a chance of ever achieving one. But opportunities are indeed provided time and again. The problem is, what humankind needs can not be delivered by any individual or by representatives. We must learn to do the important things for ourselves. Sapience is not substitutionary. The election of representatives is for positions of privilege. The only suitable way for a sapient species to be administered is through actual democracy.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Antagonization of Humankind

Like religion, a republic breeds a class of people privileged by it, with its own debased morality that allows for that privilege. Those people serve as the elite's bulwark against systemic change. They are the people who are set against the rest of us when the elite feel threatened.

"The left" exists to dis-represent and frustrate anyone who is fundamentally concerned with human rights, with posers like the Cuba-phobic "socialist," AOC, and agents provocateur such as Anitfa, BLM, and MeToo. Both right and left of the republic are acting for the gunplay-hungry republican class, inviting it to victimize people like me. "The left" exists to stuff moral people into a pigeonhole that morally debased people can shoot at.

It was the Weimar Republic that birthed the Nazi monstrosity, and the so-called communists established autocratic republics right from the start!

Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Emancipation of Humankind

The world has been dominated for thousands of years by the so-called interests of those who would own it. Against the inherent tyranny of such interests, humankind has struggled mightily yet blindly for its emancipation, causing a simulacrum of history and progress while keeping itself fundamentally captive to those metamorphic interests.

It is an information advantage that has always kept humankind divided and captive, and for the first time ever, its hegemony is threatened. That is why humankind has been put in a pressure cooker of would-be Duces and bros homicidally committed to preserving their historical privileges, in addition to a global pandemic of unknown origin. This is most definitely an existential test, and so far, humankind has managed to avoid destroying its civilization, yet again, to rescue the interests of its owners.

The name of the ownership game is divide by any means and conquer. That is what humankind's limited resources are paying for. The owners of the world are desperately attempting to arrange a global reset that is more to their liking. They don't care about people. Try to keep in mind that the actual world of human beings is nothing like the myopic dystopian view pushed by their "full-spectrum" private media. Contrary to its incessant prognostications of disaster, the world is not about to end, but perhaps it is the end of humankind's captivity.

People who should know better claim that "democracy" is under threat in the USA. Franchised participation by proxy is not democracy. This romanesque republic is divide and conquer by government. Here, the population is factionalized into opposing camps with the power of capital punishment over each other. What we see happening, the flagrantly deliberate attempt to incite the population to civil war, is a function of this republic. The government of the USA is for republicans, including the Democratic Republicans, (the original name of the Democratic Party). Democracy, like the public, is not actually represented by the private property reward and punishment regime that owns this republic.

Look at the twin fasces and other imperial Roman paraphernalia adorning the House Chamber of the U.S. Capitol. Those fasces have their axe heads, representing the power of capital punishment, always exposed and facing each other. A republic is divide and conquer by government. To that end, the ruling plutocracy will offer republics in any flavor (democratic, socialist, nationalist...) but never actual democracy. This particular republic is a fascist construct to begin with. To factionalize the population into competing camps is what fascism actually is. Here you see it institutionalized and enshrined with ornamental Roman columns, the House aquila mace, the national flag, and a shout-out to Jove's ability to keep humankind divided.

Like the Roman original, this republic survives on scapegoats and vigilantes.

George Washington warned us about factionalism and political parties in his farewell address.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Identity of Jesus

I like the hypothesis that the man remembered as Jesus was actually Herod the Great's first-born son, Antipater II. Herod promised his kingdom to Antipater who perhaps told everyone what he planned to do as king, outraging the Judean hierarchy and threatening his father's reign. Perhaps Rome gave Herod the choice of having his son executed or losing his kingdom. The painful illness that drove Herod to commit suicide seems to be not being able to live with having made such a ghastly choice.

This hypothesis makes the story of Jesus plausible. It explains why the story was momentous enough to remember, and why it was mythologized in such a way. It explains the authority Jesus had even as a child, and it provides a reasonable basis for the Davidic claim. It also explains the information gap in the life of Jesus between childhood and adulthood, (Antipater with his mother, Doris, were banished from Herod's court for most of his life).

Perhaps the man remembered as John the Baptist was actually Costobar, the husband of Salome.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Athens Rising

The Christian talisman, reputed to grant everlasting life, is a "bleeding heart" god-man hanging sacrificed on a cross. Judeo-Christian-Islamic culture runs on the sacrifice of humankind's empathy and sapience. The horrors committed in the name of the Prince of Peace alone are voluminous. The Western world amply exhibits all of the psychopathic qualities of its god.

Monday, July 19, 2021

What is Reality?

Reality is the pedanticized subset of actuality. Royality is actuality for plebs, so they don't royalize that existence is interactive.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Selfie with Halo

Christianity is the mother of all virtue signalers. The customary God-wielding is a heady mix of raw superstition and choreographed showboating. As if they had the faintest.

The only actual evidence of those malignant ancient books is the psychopathic enmity they have engendered in their dark history. "Faith" is the death of reason and the handmaid of superstition. To yield one's intelligence and agency to an entirely unaccountable authority is perhaps the worst habit of all for a supposedly sapient species. It is why people are forced to stand against things like slavery, the subjugation of women, the punishment of gay people and other traditional outsiders, and so on. Faith has made the achievement of a decent and humane world as costly as can be in what can precisely be described as human sacrifice.

For that malevolent cult, the achievement of paradise is scripturally a matter of killing the people designated as their enemies.

Religion claims the authority of existence itself, yet in actuality has nothing but ignorance and fear to stand on.

I have written already that religion is the epitome of disinformation, but that it does inadvertently outline the contours of that which it obscures. What it obscures is an information advantage of unknown scope and origin. The conquest of the Inca people by Christianity illustrates the function of the paradigm that conquered humankind on a larger scale thousands of years earlier.

Are you certain that existence is not composed of 4-dimensional bubble universes curated by a continuum of 4-dimensional beings? Are you certain that the Judeo-Christian deity, "God," is not merely a con man from another planet? He did, after all, con humankind out of believing in itself and of knowing the actual marvel of its own existence. He gets credit for doing all the good things so you don't have to!

Once you have surrendered your existential agency, you're ripe for abuse by unscrupulous men. Thus the miserable story of this world.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Independence Days

Today the people of this country celebrate their liberty from the English monarchy, and they contemplate their liberty from the republic that replaced it. Actual democracy is actual liberty.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

On Latin America

Recently on YouTube, I watched a video narration of a historical document from the point of view of the Incas regarding the Spanish conquest of the Inca empire. I knew the story of how the Spaniards were received as gods before proceeding to conquer and subjugate their hosts lickety split. But I had not heard the story from the Inca point of view, or with all the awful details. Suffice it to say that the Spaniards provoked the Incas by insulting them, garroted their king without haste and slaughtered almost everyone present, (thousands of unarmed men). Those Spaniards were not "brown" people, to use today's simpleminded parlance. They represented the dominant Christian European empire of the time.

Unlike the story of North America, the Spanish did not exterminate or imprison the natives in "reservations," or explicitly enslave them, for the most part. Instead, they created a neo-feudal society along racial lines. In time, most, if not all of the ruling European families interbred with the natives to one degree or other, but their descendants still zealously control almost all of the countries in Latin America. Together with the oft reviled "Anglo-Saxons," they exploit the land and the people. The human dregs produced by their ungodly arrangement are the subject of this country's "immigration problem" where they are exploited yet again as political pawns. The depth and seriousness of that arrangement is why Miami is known today as "the capital of Latin America."

I used to believe that the U.S. had the upper hand with the Latin American elite, but I'm not so sure anymore.

My DNA is a portrait of the Iberian empire, 65% Spanish and Portuguese, 9% Indigenous American, 0.8% Senegambian & Guinean, 0.3% Angolan & Congolese, and 0.2% Filipino. I am also 17% Eastern European, 1.6% Northwestern European, 1.4% Ashkenazi Jewish, and 0.4% Italian.

Friday, June 11, 2021

The Metamorphosis of a Golem

Franz Kafka was a modern Golem of Prague. His book, The Metamorphosis, is a symbolic account of his awakening and subsequent treatment by his family and friends, to whom he had become an awkward homunculus. The story of his death is that he was interred in a sanatorium for tuberculosis and ended up dying from not being able to eat. When he died, he was working on his short story, A Fasting Artist.

I had a strange dream set in that time period several years ago about being involuntarily interred in a sanatorium and abandoned there by a sister for whom I appeared to have tender feelings nevertheless. I woke up with Kafka on my mind and the need to know more about his life. Interestingly, I was quite depressed at the time and had not eaten for 2 weeks. Here in the 21st century USA, despite its manifold faults, it's not easy to have a person involuntarily "committed to an institution."

When I was a child, sometime in the early 70s, I stayed home from school one day with a fever. In my altered state, watching The Three Stooges on a black & white television set, I got a glimpse of the criminal malice that those so-called entertainers embodied. Now I know that it was that criminal malice, so common in people of that time, that led some to do the most awful things to other people during World War 2. It would be unbelievable if not for the mountains of documentation that exist.

That war was a global war against "leftism" that the United States, England, and France were compelled to fight on the side of the people because majorities in those nations were committed to the international struggle of workers and to human rights more broadly. Unfortunately, those majorities were disabled politically immediately after the war, and the capitalist West, brimming with Nazi assets, went back to being an enemy of the people in the name of so-called democracy.

It was from that inhumane cauldron that Israel was born, conceived by Herzl, who was in favor of encouraging anti-semitism to force its birth, and delivered by the likes of the Stern Gang, "which, with the Final Solution already under way in all but name, sought out German cooperation in the setting up of a Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis.” That's why Israel is such an inhumane piece of fascist work. It's a relic of the brutal racial and ideological politics of World War 2, like the battle that hasn't ended, like Stalingrad in Palestine.

This world is an existential nightmare and I have been made to feel that I am not welcome here anymore. I would feel sad for myself, but I know that it's not personal and I reserve my sadness for the other gentle people who suffer and have suffered the same marginalization and alienation. More than seventy million people lost their lives in World War 2, in the attempted fascist takeover of the world. My heart aches for them, for what they went through.

After everything that humankind has been through, it beggars belief that the United States and Israel are still pouring fuel on those old fascist fires, as if to invoke capitalism's saving disgrace. It's obscene. Fortunately, the events of January 6, 2021 showed that only a relative few brainwashed punters were willing to answer the call. Despite that, the capitalist republican ruse continues. The Democratic Republicans and the Republican Republicans with their malprivileged (through sexism, racism, nativism..) constituency work together to stymie the democratic impulse.

If I'm not welcome here as I am, I want not to be here, please. Sometimes it feels like I was born behind enemy lines. Sometimes in my dreams I can see the imposing walls that divide and contain us, and the world appears to be a prison. Now I know what it means to be sacrificed for the sins of others. It means that organized criminals have too much pleasure and pain invested in their hegemony over humankind to allow anyone to stand in their way. This existential inferno is their reward and punishment regime and the truth is its nemesis.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Animal Farm

Like wolves or pigs or any animal for that matter, human beings can't be properly understood by observing how they behave in captivity. It has been established by history that we can be uncompromising and unforgiving with each other in captivity, just like other animals. It has yet to be established how we are as emancipated beings.

In the competitive struggle imposed by captivity, we are set to endeavor against each other and burn incalculable amounts of resources and time. Freedom from that is nearly the entirety of liberty.

Actual democracy is a conversation among peers rather than a competition between factions, as "politics" is made to be in a republic. Democracy is direct participation in the decision making process, as opposed to franchised participation by proxy, as it is in a republic. Democracy is empirical, focused like science and technology on delivering results, rather than inevitably ideological and corrupt, as it is in a republic. Democracy offers an attainable ideal for human civilization, as opposed to the perpetual culture war consistently delivered by republic.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Tyranny of Sapience

The tyranny of private property that dominates this world fears nothing more than not being able to exploit humankind anymore. It values its hegemony above all else. That's why this world is so fucked up. Its "reality" is literally a conceptual framework that binds humankind's actuality to its reward and punishment regime. That's why the truth has no actual place in this world and merit is meaningless. Everything here is designed to spin your wheels and humor you while you power the tyrant's treadmill. This "dog eat dog" world with its institutionalized exploitation is designed to make predators and prey of human beings.

Humankind's current actuality is one of captivity enforced by various forms of organized crime, including disinformation, warfare, and societal terrorism (such as political assassinations, mass murders, and "honor" killings).

Like the owners of a casino, the protagonists of this world have humankind playing a "game" in which the "house" always wins. The House of Private Property essentially owns human existence, including human potential and the future. One can accept rewards for playing along, or else...

In contrast, the world of an emancipated humankind will be administered by actual democracy instead of by proxy as it is in republics. Able to set the agenda, people will choose to spend their wealth on improving the planet's quality of life, instead of wasting it on boondoggles such as weapons of war, partisan political posturing, and vehicles of organized graft. Imagine being able to reclaim all of the time, energy and wealth that is wasted on those things. Imagine a world driven by cooperation instead of competition. Imagine a world that is intrinsically honest and kind, like a good teacher. Imagine a world that invests in merit. Imagine a world that reflects favorably on its caretakers. Humankind is on the threshold of actuality and the universe is the limit.

History can serve its purpose as the ultimate database of existential errors. Humankind's sapience is contingent upon learning its costly lessons.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Also many years ago, I dreamed that I will meet and become the old man again on the snowy peaks of deep time, at the end of my trail. My dreams keep me going when nothing else is able to.

Dream memory is an interesting phenomenon. I can remember approximately when a dream occurred by the general circumstances of my life at the time, but not with precision. The conscious mind resists recording dreams because their logic and sense of time defy quantification; it only records the most impressive and quantifiable dreams. The subconscious mind has its own memory, though, as I experience every time an event in my actual life triggers the memory of a dream I had forgotten.

It's true that one can learn to summon the conscious mind from the subconscious simply by frequently thinking about the idea of being awake in one's dreams. When I want it to happen, I remind myself before going to sleep to notice the discrepancies in space and time that signal the dream state. I do that every day until it happens. If you're interested in trying it, it works better during naps when one is genuinely tired. It's difficult to do in deep sleep. Also, keep in mind that you might experience what is known as sleep paralysis: instead of being in a dream, one's mind is where the body is, yet unable to rouse it. That can be scary, but it can also be a starting point for experimentation in what is also known as an "out of body" experience. For starters, try to separate yourself from your body and notice how you're attached to it like a magnet.

When I was studying at the Slade School of Art in London during the late 80s, I became conversant with the subconscious mind over a period of about a year. Often high on hashish and tired from walking everywhere, it was easy. I started by exploring the environment of each dream, always involving doors to go through and steps to other levels. Naturally, it seems, I was more disposed to exploring foundations, so I found myself eventually in tunnels and caves. One dream in a tunnel, presumably at the center of my being, I found a cave inhabited by an enormous being with the head of lion and the body of a snake. Its head was big enough to swallow me in one gulp. As frightening as it was physically, the most frightening thing about it was its mind, which had mine trapped magnetically in its orbit. In mortal fear at first, I learned that he didn't mean to harm me and is actually my benefactor. I found out years later, on the Internet, that he's well-known to humankind.

Chnoubis, the Demiurge

In the last dream that I remember about the tunnels, I followed a passage that led outside, to a meadow at the base of a towering cliff. As I watched, the rocks split and crumbled and gave way to a deluge of water that swept me up and delivered me on a wave to the ocean.

After the tunnel dreams, I began to experience sleep paralysis and did my best to explore the state, but it's very difficult to get any distance from one's body without falling back into a dream. My intention was to make it outside from my first floor flat to get a "view" of the ever changing details that I could verify a moment later after waking myself. With much effort, I eventually made it past my door and down the tall hallway to the front door of the house, where the strangest thing happened. The light coming though the frosted glass on the front door sent me into what appeared to be a dream, but in a similar space. There was an unexpected doorway to my left, leading to a room where an older woman sat still on a chair. I approached her and asked her where I was but she didn't answer or even look at me. I felt frustrated, and knowing that I was dreaming, I decided to shake her gently to get her attention. As I shook her, a piercing scream woke me from the dream. I ran outside to the hallway where the scream had come from and saw that my landlord had fallen off of a small table he had been standing on to hang a picture. He had broken his leg and was in much pain. As his wife ran down the stairs to help him, there was a knock on the front door and she asked me to see who it was. I opened the door to find an older woman who told me that she had lived in the house as a child, and she wanted to come in and see it.

Then life changed, as it does, and I developed new habits that changed my focus on lucid dreaming. Now, based on what I have learned from 56 years of life, I understand the meanings of my most impressive dreams, and I marvel at the mind's ability to perceive and create meaning in seemingly magical ways.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Some Thoughts

When I was a youngster in art school, I had a dream once that I lived on what appeared to be another planet in a small, idyllic community where everyone knew each other and lived together in harmony. It was a green paradise on an ocean bay, warm and heavenly. I saw from above that the town resembled a circuit board, with the buildings arranged like processors, capacitors, diodes, resistors and transistors. As the dream ended, I saw that I decided to leave there, alone, by walking across a stratospheric land bridge suspended above deep time, and into a frozen, untouched wilderness.

When people talk about the possibility that the universe is a 4-dimensional sphere, they invoke the analog relationship between a hypothetical 2-dimensional world and our actual 3-dimensional world. The idea states that 2-dimensional beings living on the surface of a 3-dimensional sphere may be able to deduce the existence of the sphere by being able to set off in any 2-dimensional direction and eventually arrive where they began. Similarly, if the universe is a 4-dimensional sphere, we should be able to set off in any 3-dimensional direction and eventually arrive where we started. Also, since we, as 3-dimensional beings, can see inside of 2-dimensional shapes, it stands to reason that a 4-dimensional being would be able to see us inside and out.

The ideas are very interesting and I do believe that we live in a 4-dimensional universe, but no one talks about how time is affected by the transition from 3 to 4 dimensions. I believe that sequential time exists only inside 4-dimensional bubble universes like ours. A 4-dimensional being would not be limited by 3-dimensional space or sequential time. That means that a 4-dimensional being would not only be able to see us inside and out at once, but also from beginning to end. From a 4-dimensional perspective, every moment within our 3-dimensional existence would exist simultaneously. Any moment of any actual person's life could be visited at will in the highest level of detail. From a 4-dimensional simultaneous time perspective, everything created inside the universe exists forever.

Knowing this, bringing others into existence takes on a new meaning with the explicit responsibility to ensure the quality of their existence. In what state do you want your children to exist forever, in a dangerous state of ignorance supported by privileges taken from others by force? Do you want them to live and die for existentially unsupportable customs arranged by greed and maintained through disinformation?

When I say that human beings are not animals, what I mean more precisely is that we are not natural predators. If we were, we would not be equipped with donkey-like teeth. Our specialized minds are not for killing each other or other animals. The problem with agreeing with the proposition that human beings are animals is that human beings have a dismal understanding of what animals actually are. It does depend on the context, but to agree with that proposition in this world may be to give one's consent to treating human beings as fundamentally irrational, existentially inferior, factory farmable herds of burden. This existentially dysfunctional vulgarity of a world is fueled, after all, by the inferiority industrial complex.

I have called humankind a nascent information species because most of us are only now becoming aware of how information defines our lives. In actuality, though, all animals are information beings. The only difference between us, of course, is in the physical form capable of receiving and transmitting information. Keep this in mind for the next time you have the opportunity to communicate with another animal. Instead of words, we can use actions. When I find a single ant in my house, with the knowledge that it is able to communicate its experience to other ants, I gently give it a ride outside instead of killing it.

We are metainformation beings. That is to say that our special ability is the ability to process the information of information. Intelligence is most definitely a force of nature, but it's important to understand that its strength is not as a consuming force. Intelligence is the orderly and creative force of nature. It is the source of life and the evidence, I believe, of 4-dimensional metabeing. Capable of transcending 3-dimensional space and sequential time, the mind and its imagination offers a taste of it.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Christian Passover - Scapegoat Day

Religions are the epitome of disinformation, but they do inadvertently outline the contours of that which they obscure.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Where and Why and the Forbidden Fruit

Now that I have 2020 vision, I have been wanting to write something helpful for you. Even though there isn't much that I can tell you for sure, I feel responsible to be honest with you regardless of how difficult the concepts are for me to grasp. I believe that "the best of all possible worlds" is the one in which every person knows where they are and why. Unfortunately, throughout human history, that has seldom been the case. This nascent information species has been dominated for millennia by an entity with an overwhelming information advantage. It's not for nothing that it was able to establish itself on this planet as "God."

From the available information, it appears that humankind comes in two varieties which, like many of the other life forms on this planet, were genetically manipulated by a fully actualized intelligence of unknown form and origin. The majority of human beings, by far, are of the mortal, existentially self-contained variety. The other variety function as a hive and are procedurally immortal. Considering that the hive accepts new members and "sacrifices" problematic members by taking away their immortality, the only difference between the two varieties seems to be one of information: members of the hive know where they are and why; everyone else is served this dreadful dystopian "reality."

As objectionable as it is to divide the human race into gods and mortals, at least it's closer to the truth. The problem with that, of course, is that the division itself is morally unjustifiable. The only reason it exists is for advantage to be taken. Although the age of gods was ended with Christianity, the division persists with the necessary deceit institutionalized in the hive-like regimentation of human societies--all maintained through reward and punishment.

We lone mortals--each one of us a king or queen existentially--may not be able to identify the hive, but we can resist its will and begin to dismantle its deception in the world. It acts, after all, as the ultimate enemy within, diligently working to undermine humankind's natural aspirations while claiming to be its champion. Interestingly, it seems to be run by females who prefer patriarchal arrangements enforced by "all the young dudes."

Despite the relentless disinformation and graveyard prognostications of the information class, humankind is doing better than it ever has. We have the Internet to thank for that, for making it possible for us to connect as a hive of free individuals. Despite being raised for millennia by its button-eyed conquerors and never knowing where and why, humankind's natural instincts prevailed sufficiently to gradually create the framework for its emancipation.

It appears that beneath this adversarial actuality is a competition between the human varieties. For me, despite the advantages of a hive, the thought of being existentially connected to others feels like eternal captivity. That said, I'm not against the hive's existence as long as it can benefit rather than hinder humankind. Much of it depends on humankind, though, as we have learned that the hive derives its exclusive power from our moral failures, specifically from our willingness to victimize each other.

Although the hive and its knowledge may be extraterrestrial in origin, I believe that the original intent was for the knowledge to be shared and administered democratically. As it is, humankind has been forced to acquire its own knowledge under circumstances that its masters likely never had to endure to acquire theirs. All of humankind's knowledge has been gained against the will of the hive and under its editorial control.

Sign me up to be here when the hive decides to reveal itself and share the knowledge that was intended for all of us. By design, it can't happen any other way. For us, the individuals, the sapient idea is to actualize our intelligences by building a world that is exquisitely fit for intelligent life. The hive acts as a single organism, but it is composed of highly intelligent and experienced individuals, many of whom must long for an honest and loving relationship with humankind. Indeed, like genies trapped in a bottle, many of them must long for their own salvation.

On the same day I started this post, "the newspaper of record" published this opinion essay, ("Humans are animals. Let's get over it."), to remind its readers of their place in the greater scheme of things. For the hive, the way we act towards each other and the natural world is the justification for how it acts towards us. If we fail the test of sapience, it gets to keep us as competing herds of burden, forever. Keep in mind that we, as existentially self-contained intelligences, are intended to be the hive's upgrade. It would like nothing more than for us to fail.

Take comfort and joy in each other. Although this world is meticulously stacked against everything that is good and true, at least you have each other. I find myself in a place that is impervious even to actual friendship. At least the hive has relented somewhat with the punishing mindfuck that I'm subjected to almost everywhere I go. It must be a miracle that I'm still alive here in this existential black hole.

As long as humankind's sapience can be proven actually to be a conceit, it will be just that. As it is, the hive can still get people to do foolish things like eating laundry detergent and attempting to overthrow their own civilizations. For what it's worth, sapience is the existential practice of cooperation, not of competition. For human beings, life is a classroom, not a Colosseum.

The three pillars of the existentially unsupportable conceptual framework that the hive calls "reality" are the false assumptions that people are animals, life is a game, and all civilizations eventually destroy themselves. The hive may act as an animal for which life has become game-like with multiple lives, and it may have destroyed its own civilization, but the individual sapient mind knows better. Being human is not a game nor a forlorn condition.

One can deduce that the hive arranges most of the crimes against humankind, "those complicated and subtle problems of crime which are set to puzzle us," as Henry Van Dyke observed in his book, The Unknown Quantity. See how the hive's mass media milks its crimes for "meaning" and consent, for the sake of its own command over your attention.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Free Cell

To become enlightened here--where, as a malignant jackass once put it to me, "everyone has a price in pleasure or pain"--is to find oneself truly alone. Don't feel bad for me; this is what I've been chasing all my life. As difficult as my life has been, the overseers have been careful to refrain from explicitly demonstrating to me my own "price." I understand that as a measure of my provenance. It must be a milestone that one can stand firmly beside this world, even if it is on a makeshift ledge supported by hereditary charity.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Will to Possess

To possess this planet and its natural wealth, it is necessary to possess the human mind first (with whatever works). That is The Game in a nutshell. As I reconnect with the people in my life, I find that many of them are tilting at windmills, possessed by the ancient demons of bad information. Induced psychosis is no way to live. This world is nuts. That has to end, once and for all.

Recently, I experienced something new. It was alarming how small and finite it made everything seem. I still feel the residue of it. It's difficult to describe but it felt like death was here with me, like déjà mort. It makes me want to occupy myself with life before it ends.

Humankind has been trapped in captivity by its organized "betters" for millennia. This orchestrated pandemic is the latest battle in the ceaseless war between a past of bondage and a future of sapience. Authority in this world is derived ultimately from hook and crook, regardless of how it's made to appear. This is how they wage war on humankind without the active although unknowing participation they're accustomed to eliciting. This is how the masters of reality assert themselves with their "herds." Humankind's captors naturally have no moral authority and nothing to offer but degrees of possession. This existential haunting has to end.

The God of "The Book," if he exists, is a procedurally immortal extraterrestrial of limited intelligence and means with the morals of a psychopath and the manners of a terrorist. That god, who can do all things but only through other beings, does the work of a devil to keep humankind divided and conquered. This planet is quite literally possessed by him and his human assets. Throughout its existential infancy, humankind has struggled under the weight of a massive and hostile information advantage. Now that this is known, the monstrous parasite's drones naturally reply, "there is no future."

An actual savior of this world would have to save humankind from that self-glorifying Criminal and his wretched existential construct. It would have to happen only once, and without creating a new mindfuck to enslave people by. Herod also was willing to sacrifice his sons for existential hegemony and was loved by hereditary privilege for it. The Criminal's promise, clearly recorded in his Bible, is hereditary existential privilege in exchange for division and never-ending conflict in the world.

What kind of being would accept the sacrifice of another being for its own personal benefit? Therein lies the ancient problem. It is why this world is actually Hell. Nothing here is morally off-limits. The demons think they're geniuses because they're organized, and here in their playground, "a sucker is born every minute." I may not have a true friend or an iota of worldly power, but for what it's worth, I know precisely where I am.

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Mortal Secret

The sapient mind is capable of holding the universe, including its own existence, in quantum superposition. In other words, it doesn't need to be certain about anything in order to operate. In lieu of certainty, it calculates probabilities and tests them with experience. I am that I suppose. It's the only thing that one can be certain of. This is the foundation of existential well-being.

That human beings are physically reincarnate-able I have already written about in some detail. As the source of humankind's ancient predicament, the subject requires careful attention, keeping in mind that the function of sapience is to illuminate and nourish.

Those who hunger for so-called eternal life should know that it happens here on Earth and most people are "left behind" to die forever. If you're not exceptional in some way, the supernal order has no room for you. Would you want another life knowing that you would be subjected to the strictest discipline to protect the secret of its existence from the mortals being boiled in excrement? Many of us "gods" are "sacrificed" precisely for that reason. That is to say metaphorically that we are somehow separated from the memories of our previous lives because we are fundamentally unable to keep the secret. The Bible is a puzzle composed in symbols to reveal yet obscure the truth about the history and practice of "eating from the tree of life."

The person remembered as the Christ was "crucified" for revealing the mortal secret. That is to say metaphorically that he was abandoned in effigy where the infernal and supernal orders cross. The one remembered as the Baptist, like Elijah, was by sacrifice not privy to the secret. Their father, remembered as Zechariah, was God.

Above and beyond mundane considerations, this world is Heaven for the so-called elect. The problem of course is that we all deserve to be in on it. This is the apocalyptic revelation of the Kingdom of God that Christianity is predicated on.

Without humankind's participation, the eternal life syndicate is reduced to waging information warfare through its assets, with the intent of resetting the "game" in their favor. They can afford to shut everything down indefinitely and they're betting that most people can't. They're saying that this is their greatest challenge since World War 2, but in actuality they've never been challenged like this. This age of ages of theirs is all about defending the privilege of their exclusive actuality to dictate reality for the rest of us. Throughout recorded history, humankind has been informed primarily by its mortal enemies. Watch them attempt to re-ligate human agency with the cooties. Notice that they're acting as one now, regardless of nationality or religion. This God damned cosa nostra world of theirs is as disgusting as that. It is the ultimate betrayal, up close and personal.

I make boxes to pass the time in my existential isolation. Soon enough it'll be time for me to be released from this captivity. Remember me as one who hungered for an honest world.

Monday, March 9, 2020

The Other World

Because humankind's existential predicament is "otherworldly" in origin, that actual world is bound to make itself known again to humankind now that such an encounter is conceptually reasonable, technologically feasible, and morally indicated. The first encounter introduced humankind to the actual value of information, but it saddled us with gods and the actuality of exclusion that dominates us to this day. Although the intent was not to colonize Earth, with the knowledge humankind has effectively colonized itself.

Behold the endgame of what was, until recently, an indisputable information advantage. They can't threaten us openly as the criminals they are, so they're playing "act of God" charades, with accompanying broadcasted "lessons," to punish and frighten us into submission. "Our exclusive actuality (Reality™) or chaos," is the implicit demand.

Those responsible for this existential disgrace are being called to account. Your actions, unlike your motives, are not invisible. The ignorance that provides your cover is disappearing. Fortunately for all of us, human beings are not the animals you need them to be. They never were. That's why your ill-fated construct is made of lies. You violate every human principle because your exclusive actuality is a work of organized psychopathy.

There are two distinct worlds here on Earth and the dividing line runs through many families. If it were morally justifiable for humankind to maintain two separate actualities, the existence of the other world wouldn't be a mortal secret. Look at the untenable result. A state characterized by the coexistence of contradictory or incompatible elements is the definition of schizophrenia. We ended up with a schizophrenic world ordered by psychopaths.

What gives you the right to treat human beings as if they were your expendable property? That is the question that demands an answer. The day of reckoning is upon us. This planet was an exquisite masterpiece of life support before it was apportioned and exploited as private property. Now you talk about its destruction and humankind's extinction as if there were a more lucrative existence available to you somewhere else. You are disgusting beings.

Friends, now it's evident that people are not actually free in this world. In this private production, all of the important roles are rewards, earmarked until the end of time. The Greatest Story Ever Told™ is about the systematic repression of humankind across time by its protagonists and their god in order to maintain their outrageous privilege. What gives them the right to treat human beings as if we were their expendable property? Human beings give them that right in exchange for a share of the spoils. All of the people ministering this so-called pandemic are being rewarded for it.

As for me, I'm doing what I was brought here to do. Sapience doesn't overthrow ignorance; it informs. Sapience has no enemies. It does not punish or dispossess. Here I exist as your friend, and able now to help you revitalize this ailing world. Being "sewn up" and "in the bag" is no place for life.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

El Hija

Now that I have figuratively entered heaven alive by fire, unfortunately, there's no one else here. Perhaps the supernal residents are at work in their infernum. Hello! Is there anyone else here? Do I have all the actual existential goodness to myself? There's certainly enough for everyone. Status and moral "complexity" are more appealing to the supernal minded, though. These dueling realities of theirs are thoroughly devoid of integrity. The undisputed heavyweight champions of willful ignorance, they are.

To those who tracked my progress throughout my life, it must have seemed like I had chosen to become an embarrassing disgrace. I understand that now. As it happens, the embarrassing disgrace is this corrupt existential construct. Its architects don't know what they're doing but they're determined to continue doing it, even if it kills us all. The scale of their imagined investment diminishes every person. People have been slaying each other en masse for thousands of years on their behalf, after all.

For the record, El didn't kick Adam and Eve out of heaven. It was the other way around. In their minds, this world is theirs or it's his. They refuse to understand that the world belongs to all of us equally. They will continue to pretend otherwise as long as people consent. The wall-to-wall disinformation will continue as long as people are rewarded to produce and deliver it.

Knowing this, the rational course of action is to reject this "great game" reality and its corrupt products. Thoroughly gamed it all is, down to the choreographing of popular movements. The premier political contest this year is between naked authoritarianism and a 78-year-old Zionist who plays the socialist boogieman on TV. They offer socialism because they own it as well. What they will never offer is actual democracy. To do that would be to admit that their reality is a grotesque lie.

Trump is held over humankind as the ultimate political threat in order to force people to consent to their canned reality by participating in its rituals. They're herding us like cattle. Nothing good will ever come from following their lead. After 6000 years of disastrous hegemony, that should be clear by now. Let them play their Trump card. It's nothing but smoke and mirrors now. Be mindful that they have identified public participation on their privately owned and operated websites as the "new battlefield."

It beggars belief, but here you have it. This world is a pitfall of deadly artifice. If I didn't feel affection for all of you and felt no responsibility to help, I wouldn't be here. Creative endeavors sustain my spirit otherwise. There is no reason but obfuscation to not speak plainly about our existential actuality. The Sisyphus role is the object lesson in the extortion of those who know his identity: he serves as living proof that "God" is actually powerless in this world. Remember that the God concept is ultimately a symbolic placeholder for human sapience. Fortunately, sapience is naturally ebullient. Comprehending our existential predicament and uncovering the actual lesson was mostly a matter of time.

Thank you for liberating me. I am returning the favor. In response, the existential psychopathy continuum is gearing up to inflict the "Disease X" pandemic on humankind. They are desperate for a pretext to force our submission. Our actuality does not fit in their reality. They want nothing more than for people intoxicated with ignorance to save their criminal privilege, once again. This is precisely the moment they were warned about.

They have been the uncontested lords of human actuality for so long that they believe it to be their rightful entitlement. Here is the truth, in their own words: "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality--judiciously, as you will--we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors; and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do." That arrogant confidence is in humankind's manifest inferiority. They supplant our actuality with boiling excrement every day, after all. They control the world's systems and the planet's resources, and they employ armies of ignorant men to enforce their hegemony. This existentially corrupt world is shit by design.

The good news, in addition to the actuality of human sapience, is that humankind does indeed have a dedicated existential benefactor. Worn and weary he may be, but disabled he is not.

Monday, February 10, 2020

A Man's World

It's a man's world only inasmuch as it needs to be to make it subservient to violence. Otherwise, existential exploitation is indifferent to gender.

I know what it's like to be governed by the constant surges of sexual desire and aggressive energy natural to testosterone. If not for the fact that this predatory culture is structured to exploit it as its animating weakness, I might have learned to enjoy being a man.

Note that despite the effects of testosterone, men are not naturally inclined to harm or kill each other without an existential or moral pretext. Human history is a record of the ravages of disinformation. This insane culture survives solely on deliberately induced male dysfunction. Privilege isn't free. The right to exploit others is the actual organizing principle of this bonehead masterpiece of existential degeneration. This man eat man world isn't fit for dogs, let alone men.

The beneficiaries of this existential crime in progress like to believe that this is the best of all possible worlds. In actuality, there's nothing worse for the value of life than a world where only privilege matters. The architects of this infernum flatter themselves for the quality of their deception and they have nothing but contempt and deadly vices for the suckers that fall for it. In exchange for body and spirit, the fools are rewarded culturally with the preposterous privilege of being superior to women and to people in designated out-groups. Their masters have been playing God unchallenged for so long, they seem to have forgotten that their reality is a psychological construct, and an illogical and unsupportable one at that. The existential ignorance in people that it relies on doesn't take genius level information to remedy, and it's a quick cure, as we're discovering.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Cost of Ignorance

Aside from the ever decreasing bare minimum apportioned for the well-being of people, almost all of humankind's wealth goes to rewarding the friends of hereditary privilege, punishing its enemies, and keeping humankind captive in existential ignorance. Through ignorance, humankind finances its own captivity. For beings capable of sapience, this is an existential prison.

In actuality, the adversaries of sapience don't always win. Humankind was not even aware of its actual struggle, until now. This awareness we have earned.

Witness the inveterate symbologists and their full-spectrum disinformation support system attempt to vex and coerce humankind again through plagues. The crown virus is a deliberate affliction. The burning bush fires are arson. To them, humankind is spoiled produce now. Beware of desperate zealots. They were raised on humankind's manifest inferiority. They are cultured to believe that the "masses" are theirs to set upon and dominate by any means necessary. This world is manifestly theirs, after all. Most of us work for them in one capacity or another. They can do as they please. Defy them and they'll reward their cultured ignorami to punish you. Now it's unequivocally clear that this is the manner in which this fundamentally criminal world actually functions. The biological terrorism against China is a "bargaining chip" in the global mafia's ongoing "trade negotiations" with that country. The fires in California and Australia were punishments for political defiance. Of course, these acts are also aimed to terrorize us, as they boil us in excrement.

Humankind has not achieved an actual civilization, yet. It's still possible, though, perhaps now more than ever. Actual civilizations never fall, and they are not vulnerable to people knowing the facts of their existence. Civilizations are not made from dueling cults. This world is existentially dysfunctional. Sick people and a poisoned environment is what it produces. If this doesn't qualify as an infernum, then nothing does. People exterminate each other for heaven's sake. The ruling supernum is a den of genocidally privileged psychopaths.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Body Space

Nature is a forceful and merciless tyrant, but it yields to sapience.

Thankfully, this culture is sapient enough to recognize gender dysphoria as a condition that some people suffer from, and to offer gender re-assignment as a medical cure. The strength of my sexual biology became distressing for me when I was a young man, and I was naturally inclined since childhood to imagine myself as female. Caught in the relentless storm of hormonal intoxication, I found the way to silence it. In the process, I learned how to love men, and I learned something of what it's like to be a woman. I wouldn't have been able to understand what I do without having gone through what I did. I didn't do it deliberately, but it does seem to have done me deliberately.

I smoke cannabis every day because it introduced me to unadulterated mind space as a young man, and I learned to explore it that way. Studying art was an extension of that endeavor. I am not a role model because finding my role has been a lifelong challenge for me. Thankfully, this culture is sapient enough to accommodate misfits like me and glean valuable insights from our unorthodox points of view. My only quality worth emulating is my recently renewed dedication to being earnest and creative. Thankfully, the information stands on its own. Unlike deceit, candor is not a burden.

If we did not have the capacity to live domestically, we would be wild animals. The mind is eminently programmable toward that end. Our nature is to automatically process and assimilate information. The problem of course is in the quality of the information. We are also eminently susceptible to being misinformed and disinformed. The momentum of our conditioned state can trap us like robots in limited and arbitrary mind space.

The first time I smoked cannabis was like the transformation from a young biological automaton into a human being. I found that there is much more to the mind and existence than people seem to be aware of. That is an experience that is easy to get hooked on, although fortunately it is not physically addictive or toxic. It is worth noting that some people don't react well to the cognitive dissonance that the sudden loss of assimilated limits can cause. I worked past the discomfort. As a consequence of my pursuit of this state of mind, I met and became friends with a range of people that I would not have had access to otherwise. It is a formidable group as diverse as humankind, of people habitually seeking respite from their conditioned states. Thankfully, this culture is informally sapient enough to recognize the value of cannabis.

For a ritual sacrament o'sapience, I can imagine worse things than a weekly bong hit with friends. Do it and watch your churches be renewed. Jesus turned water into wine when he pulled out the kind bud and everyone ended up with cotton mouth. With the truth I tease the people for whom it is institutionally off-limits. To the God of biological automatons, I am Its nemesis incarnate. Thankfully, I am no longer figuratively crawling on my belly. I am the one who is me.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Mind Space

The incarnations of the one who is me are each necessarily bound by humankind's mind space. I'm delighted to discover that our mind space now encompasses existence as well as the universe. Our existential horizon is actually infinite. Don't let the purveyors of reality convince you otherwise. They're willing to burn it all down for their absurd privilege.

On the difference between actuality and reality: the latter is literally royal actuality. For example, my existence is actual although apparently not real. Democracy is real although not actual, and so on. Reality is a factually corrupted subset of actuality, imposed through reward and punishment and repetition.

We are beginning to actualize the power of the human mind. In Spanish, the word for power--poder--is also a word signifying ability. Humankind is eminently able. If you have doubts concerning humankind's ability to transform its hereditary abusers, consider the elaborate fictions they have learned to embody for our consent. Reality is their show and they're willing to assimilate anything in order to remain in control. Let's help them assimilate honesty and kindness, and prove that human sapience is actual.

The most important thing to understand about "them" is that they are simply hereditarily corrupt human beings with an information advantage. Sisyphus doesn't roll the boulder up the hill for laughs. We are natural assimilators of information, a species of consummate learners, and in our existential infancy, converting information to privilege was a fruit too irresistible to forgo. Now, several thousand years later, we can see the result of that decision in a world ordered by privilege and privation and sustained by corrupt information.

This corrupt world is ruled by the entities with access to the most resources to reward and punish with. An authentic opposition does not exist for long in this Cosa Nostra construct. To defend their historic privilege, the dons have had themselves democratically installed in power throughout the world. Now that we have assimilated the essence of their information advantage, humankind can begin to correct its original mistake by withholding from its hereditary abusers the consent to punish.

They won't poison me, or silence me, because they respect the one who is me, and they need me. Crucified, I have always been, where privilege and privation intersect. The grace of sapience is their last resort. For now, they need to be certain that they can't keep us fooled anymore. Keep in mind that quantum superposition ends and actuality collapses into one possibility or the other every time one makes a decision. The ability to process information in the quantum realm is what makes each one of us active existentially. How incomparably sublime it is to experience the boundless actuality of our existence. To keep humankind trapped in existential inferiority, the gift of gifts is reduced to mundane damnation through mind slavery by religion and ideology.

Every time the mind is liberated, the adversaries of sapience devise a new mental construct to re-ligate it. That is not the result of a misunderstanding, or so-called human nature. There is a small subset of humankind who have always been privileged first and foremost with the best available information. Everyone else has struggled to keep up with the size and memory of their mind space. Even human institutions are no match; they are all quickly captured. Now, at last, this is known. Humankind is ruled by its hereditary adversaries with their privilege generator that runs on ruined lives.

Feast your eyes and your mind. Actuality is the ground of existential sanity and well-being. The enjoyment of the mental experience is happiness. Don't be depressed by the miserable information that sustains this infernal existential construct. This relentlessly adversarial world of privilege and privation truly is a ruthlessly ignorant existential venture.

Although she is biologically bound to be dependent on Adam, it is Eve who decides what is good and what is bad for the family. He is biologically bound to do anything for her favor and well-being. By converting the gift of existential awareness to a competitive advantage by information privilege and privation, together they created this family of master and slave and this untenable private garden of earthly delights. It was bound to happen, but sapience, like science, is self-correcting.

Here is an incisive and revealing depiction of humankind's predicament, painted 500 years ago by el Bosco. The king of Spain kept it in his bedroom. Notice the absence of people engaged in existentially sensible activities. Save the trio in the first panel, everyone else is literally acting out symbols, as if captive naked and intoxicated at a diabolical party. The image that is painted on the reverse side of the wings does not depict creation, as generally posited, but the construct closed and in ruins. It is a warning that this absurd existential venture is doomed to failure.

Regarding the literalization of their arcane symbolic constructs, the traditional attitude of privilege is that ignorance gets what it deserves. The amount extracted is what the market will bear. Humankind is literally held captive only by its existential ignorance.

Friday, January 3, 2020

God & Caesar Inc.

Is humankind for sale?

This ownership culture is the modern incarnation of slave owning culture. People naturally resist being enslaved, so the domineers devise ways to fool or compel people into it.

The concept of God is a symbolic substitute for human sapience. It locks up the attributes of sapience along with the attributes of ignorance, in a purported master and inaccessible to mere mortals. Instead of teaching people to be sapient, they are taught to be obedient, superstitious fools who waste their lives hoping and praying for this imaginary monstrosity to show them favor. With everything stacked against the truth and sapience as blasphemy, it's easier to believe any number of lies.

There is an immortal, wholly sapient being accompanying humankind, but instead of serving as a guide, his incarnations are on the treadmill that powers hereditary privilege. This artifice they call reality is a marvel of malevolent engineering. Its operators were convinced of their own mastery, until recently. As they are rediscovering, it takes only one perceptive individual to expose it.

Human beings would never knowingly and willingly sell what they already surrender to trickery: their actual sapience. This world is an inhuman deception and its owners are determined to stay on top of humankind. If not for lovely people, the beauty of nature, and the life of the mind, it would not be worth living in. The good news is that we are naturally equipped to be sapient.

What more can one possibly say? This is it. The truth is not a divine incantation delivered according to prophecy to validate the misunderstandings and lies in the Bible. As long as money rules the world, its rewards and punishments will continue to count more than the truth.

As your temporary existential guide, I recommend insisting on a world ordered by honesty where our cherished human principles are upheld. With humankind at present working for money to survive, for the sake of a secure and familiar place to begin, everything else can stay as it is.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Clarity of Mind

A year to remind one of the importance of existential acuity. May it be a truly happy revolution around the sun.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Adam and Evil

The concept of Good and Evil is the deception that enshrines ignorance and all the garbage that goes with it as the natural and necessary opposite, the yin to the yang of sapience. Existence is not a balance or a battle of opposites. Sapience does not balance with or battle against ignorance; sapience informs. Humankind has no use for ignorance. Anyone who trades in this existentially immature construct, knowingly or not, is giving ignorance much more credit than it deserves. The Lord of Ignorance, if He exists, is merely a big dummy.

Before humankind can begin in earnest to explore sapience, this grand, existentially debasing mindfuck must be outgrown. The demon haunted world must be left behind for this ignorant reality to be superseded by sapient actuality.

Existentially speaking, we're not children anymore. Beyond the cruel games of ignorant people exists the actual universe. It awaits us. The only people who will miss humankind's ignorance are the ones who depend on it for their privilege. Even though they have come to dominate every lever of our existence, when the truth is present, they are unable to make us live their lie. Their ridiculous goal is to conquer the universe, on our backs, with a privileged jackass at the helm.

The one who is me is here voluntarily, and now I am as well. I am tired, though. I burn 24/7.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Going Rate is the Bottom Line

This is sapient existence as a privately owned business. Everything is monetized. That's what makes it Hell. Old habits die hard. Merry Christmas!

Now, humankind's existential challenge is to demonetize its sapient dignity without violating it. Naturally, the adversaries of individual agency will do everything in their power to prevent it. Those are one's existential chains, after all. Being the incorrigible manipulators they are, they will, of course, in the guise of manufactured movements, continue to offer humankind the hope of baby-stepping to existential emancipation.

The fundamental conflict here is over who gets to play God. In actuality, there is no God, only sapience. Only devils, in existential ignorance, play God. As it happens, being captive to a "higher power" is not in our DNA.

The innate quest to reverse engineer existence, to learn how it works, offers humankind the most profound trajectory. On an individual scale, there's also much to enjoy in each other and in our existential home.

Monday, December 9, 2019


Sapience is the existential workshop where thought and action become one.

The mind is a quantum tool for shaping the world as it turns.

Those of you who are at war against humankind are at last in an unenviable position. You're rich and irrelevant and unable to purchase or kill your way to relevance anymore. You should quit while you're ahead and join the rest of us in good faith. Your game is finally over. Humankind will not be made to forget anymore.

Those of you who have deliberately made yourselves into the definition of evil are the ones that need to pay the most attention to what is happening. All eyes are on you. Now it's you who are being tested.

The rest of us are aware that the full spectrum information estate does not reflect us; it's a relentless assault against us, financed by us. We pay for everything in every possible way.

Someone asked me if I am Jupiter. I'm not certain, but I believe that the one who is me was once known as Uranus. I'm your a-hole as well as your ace in the hole. The Sol System is our cosmic caravan.

I almost died for this view. It was worth it. I certainly have violated cultural norms, although never in bad faith. Thankfully, I'm not a murderous, deceitful animal, willing to impose hell on others for privilege and profit. I may be a strange and awkward person, but my spirit is clean.

If it were possible to grant wisdom with awareness, humankind would have been wholly sapient from day one. Like any valuable skill, wisdom has to be developed and practiced. The help we receive is considerable, though. Thank you, to whom it may concern.

Friday, November 29, 2019


Information has always been and always will be the name of the game. Knowing this, one has the key bit.

For most of its history, humankind has been informed by the promoters of animality. Now, for the first time, they are losing their information monopoly. It is the end only of their miserable little world, their perfidious construct, the Gordian knot. For humankind, it is the beginning of actual sapience.

The adversaries of sapience are accustomed to unequivocally misleading the world through word and action. They set the topic daily and dominate the conversation. Only their ideas and points of view are considered. Everything else is misrepresented or ignored. That doesn't work anymore, and they have tried everything in their evil bag of tricks including siccing the "right" against the "left" and even men against women. They are working assiduously through their accumulated assets to exploit every division within humankind, and for the first time, it's not working. We are discovering that everything that is ugly in the world right now originates with the only ideas and points of view we are shown.

A representative of the information monopoly asked me, "What do you expect us to say?" They have dug a deep hole with humankind indeed. Soon, when the benefit of the doubt is expended and we have moved on, perhaps they will be compelled, for our attention, to finally tell the truth: "We abused humankind for thousands of years because it was inordinately profitable and nothing stopped us."

What does one do with a million years of sapience? Apparently one raises families to be unique, self-determining, and wholly sapient. Sapience makes time and place.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


For sapient beings, love is the basis of existential communion. The adversaries of sapience can offer only broken communion for broken beings. It would threaten their existential privilege to allow wisdom, so they personify it as the magical Lady Wisdom who requires obedience. At best, people are children to them.

Two thousand years ago, in order to teach existential wisdom, one had to do it in person. Contrary to the intent of wisdom, it established the person known as Jesus Christ as a superstar contender for the throne of man. The fact is that wisdom is not about any one person. There are teachers, but wisdom is not a person.

I forgive myself for having wanted to be your superstar because that's the way this stunted world works, and I didn't know better. This isn't about me. I'm delighted that somehow, we're learning together.

God represents the fruition of sapience. It is the future of humankind. Now that our intelligence is developing exponentially, existential maturity is within reach. There may exist a being who was the first in the universe to achieve sapience. That being would be the original teacher and the ultimate role model, but not one's owner. Sapience is the ultimate gift. Humankind, as we know it, has existed for only a few thousand years; imagine a million years of sapience.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

To Be Delivered From Evil

The god of this morbidly disinformed world is never going to deliver humankind from evil. It would put him out of the temptation business.

In actuality, instead of directing one's mind and will in supplication to a hypothetical entity, one is responsible for delivering oneself from the interests of power. One can be assisted but not delivered. The key, of course, is in the quality of information. As humankind is discovering, it takes only a bit of good information to help raise the individual to actual sapience and keep the powerful from flooding the world again.

It appears that humankind is a relatively new hybrid species undergoing trial by fire. The difficulty of our existential test is most likely proportional to our marvelous capacity. We have it all, after all. Sapience has chosen to dwell with us. We have struggled, mostly in the dark, to overcome its pitfalls.

If God exists, he is a wholly sapient being with unshakable discipline dedicated to allowing humankind to find its own way, as it should be. We are not pets. If he exists, I am acting as his ace in the hole. It appears that I am the intervention. If that is the case, the one who is me volunteered to act in this capacity. This is how it makes sense for one to be both father and son of man. In between is the spirit of sapience: the transcendent, light producing form available in each of us. It is what is at work here. With a sapient spirit, one can be plunged into existential darkness and find the way out. Love is the essence of sapience.

Together we made all of this in a few thousand years, from earth. How marvelous is that?

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Illuminated Way

Progress is achieved step by step. Life is the process of processes and we are its living processors. For us, information is existential light: we're brilliant when it's good, and lost when it's not.

There is no moral offense more egregious than the lie which makes every other offense a matter of course. By their own trick-or-treat philosophy, the tormentors of humankind deserve to be boiled in excrement for eternity. By the brilliance of 7 billion enlightened people, they will instead be persuaded to evolve.

True civilization has no use for physical force. We work intelligently with what we have. Nominally, at least, we already have the framework of a true civilization. It's not a bad place to be, for sure. All we have to do is make it actual.

To make democracy actual is the next logical step. It will be the end of the curated layer of so-called representatives that transfers humankind's actual political capital to the mendacity continuum. Republican forms of government, (including socialism), are designed to subvert rather than serve the public interest. Government is made rarefied and exclusive to keep the public away from private interests. Subverting the public interest requires professional intermediaries; making important decisions together does not. Without the permanent divide and conquer mechanism that is republican government, humankind will be truly emancipated.

Even without their information advantage, humankind is surpassing its existential tormentors in intelligence. Regardless, their government and full-spectrum media continues to produce their reality show with humankind cast as existential garbage on the edge of the abyss. Consider the utter contempt for humankind that it takes to do that. They have no interest in our well-being. They can't persuade us from a position of honesty, so they have us fooled. In their foolish supremacist construct, the framework of civilization is turned against the public. Here we are being liberated from their conceptual prisons. This is our Wizard of Oz moment.

This world of theirs is an elaborate lie. They play this game, not because they like pretending, but because sapience demands a moral existence. Now that we know it's merely a ruse, we can make it actual, beginning with actual democracy. Don't let them claim ownership of the good things anymore. They don't practice democracy, let alone "export" it. Republican popularity contests do not democracy make. Consider, by contrast, that they never claim to export republicanism.

In this existential horror show, only the Devil's "stars" are actual. This world is all about them. The rest of us are extras, rendered abstractions by "representatives." We have been infantilized to expect that "our leaders" are responsible for doing the important things. We are reduced, like babies, to watching and consuming. Gee-wiz, what will they think of next?

In order to have the truly sapient world we require, we have to assume responsibility for doing the important things together. Most of us are already connected and involved. Until we stop buying the Devil's manifold deception, humankind will continue to be held hostage in this existential inferno. Here, in this hierarchical world fueled by bad information, humankind is not permitted to have powerful friends.

Remember the Tower of Babel, that human beings "have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." The illuminated way is to enable, inform and gather each other. The ancient existential circus we're trapped in was devised to restrain, confound and scatter us. If it were merely a waste of time, it wouldn't be Hell.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Meet the Existential Virus

To understand the nemesis of humankind, read the story of Jamadagni. It presents, without scientific understanding, the amoral person and the information advantage, (the knowledge of reincarnation), he uses to get his way. In the story, he orders his sons, one by one, to kill their mother. All of them refuse and are "turned to stone" as punishment. The youngest son, Parashurama, (also known in mythology as Abraham), kills his mother and is rewarded by having his family brought back to life, without knowledge of having been murdered or turned to stone. This is what humankind is up against: a psychopath with the power of life over death, and his devoted adherents.

The definition of a god, historically, is a person who in addition to having beaten death, knows the secret of how it's done. Their visibility is inversely proportional to humankind's credulity for practical reasons. It is only an information advantage, after all. That is why the concept of god has by now been abstracted to mean anything and nothing. The existentially privileged people are still here though, riding humankind Jamadagni-style.

The modern skeptical mind is encouraged to believe that stories of gods were inventions devised to control people. Of course that is true to some extent, but I believe that the stories describe an actuality that isn't acknowledged anymore. Mythology records the existence of groups of gods and their contentions, and times when people did not die. Goddesses combed battlefields collecting the souls of the dead. The Bible remembers the number of years, in the hundreds, that each one of its patriarchs lived. The indication is that each one of us has the physical equipment, referred to by mythology as the soul, necessary for reincarnation. I believe that we were designed to colonize the universe in generation ships and build worlds.

Short of a biography of failure, the events in our particular story demonstrate the worst perils of our existential vocation. Fortunately, our story also demonstrates that our intelligence has built-in fail-safe mechanisms. It was our intelligence that brought us to the threshold of being able to understand our existential predicament. We have been isolated from our origin and split by information into gods and mortals, and as a consequence have been deliberately raised with multiple psychopathies that still afflict us.

The Jamadagni continuum rewarded its mortal followers with the suite of supremacisms that continue to deform our world: zoological supremacism, gender supremacism, racial supremacism, cultural supremacism, ideological supremacism, and financial supremacism. The beneficiaries of such existentially costly rewards are the people traditionally enlisted to defend the virus against our collective intelligence.

Now that humankind is technologically enabled and conceptually prepared, we will be reunited with the intelligence that brought us here. We are not this marvelously capable and existentially fortunate by accident. Mythology predicted that one day, this world would be transformed into an ideal world. The authors of that prediction understood that our predicament is a problem of information that will be solved in time. Here we are, living through that moment. The power that games humankind as if we were existential garbage is finding it increasingly difficult to get us to destroy each other for its benefit.

Here we are on the threshold of an emancipated existence, a world of seven billion marvelously capable and existentially fortunate beings still represented and ruled by its morally bankrupt hijackers and their hired hands--the select few for whom our intelligence has always been the "original sin" that opposes them existentially. Here, still, only their "interests" matter. Everything else is expendable, even the son of their god. They demonstrate the truth under pressure. That is why their rotten world doesn't make sense anymore; it is coming to an end. We are not going extinct, their savage game is. The days of "look what they can be made to do" are over.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

We Build Worlds

My mother bought this dollhouse kit 40 years ago, and I tried building it and failed 35 years ago. Now that I have the skills and the tools, the patience, and the time, fixing my old mistakes and overcoming the limitations of the kit has been an enjoyable challenge. To make it more satisfying as a vehicle for the imagination, I made it more like an architectural model and less like a toy.

Today I made 5 doors, 2 interior and 3 exterior. A cipher building a cipher, I am. There's a lot to be said for being able to make things. For me, it is a lifeline. Creativity is humankind's saving grace.

Wealth tends to diminish the impetus for creativity. Why make things when one can buy them? The answer to that question is purely spiritual and a matter of wisdom. Making things teaches and reinforces good habits of mind, including firsthand knowledge of the value of labor and its products. Our young world, captive to wealth from the beginning, has always suffered from a dearth of this among the most privileged people. As it is, they learn to toy with the lives of others and "break things."

Sometimes in dreams and visions I get glimpses of this world's actual edifice and it is as ugly as its history. It is a war zone in a perpetual state of privation and disrepair, dictated by the desires of the privileged.

It is evidence of humankind's innate creative drive that wealthy countries support lucrative industries that cater to do-it-yourselfers and hobbyists. And it is a sign of the disparities and incongruities of this world that privileged people like me can have personal factories to make things for pleasure that people in poor countries make for a living.

Humankind is an information species. We are brilliant when the information is good and lost when it's not. For us, Hell is a world of bad information. The Devil is the King of Lies and those who willingly serve him are demons. Behold their domain.

If humankind is to achieve its potential, our history will have to serve as a lesson for all time of what can happen when we are separated from good information. We are strong together, truly. Now we have the technological framework to protect each other and vanquish existential nightmares. It is a singular redeeming achievement as well as a beautiful thing. Congratulations; don't let the aggressively privileged imps break it now that they know the end of their rule is at hand. That is what all the manufactured commotion is about.

Eighty years ago, they were able to reset the world through war. They are attempting to conjure a disaster on that scale to "lead" us through. If only they could save us instead from the existential catastrophe they actually are.