On the difference between actuality and reality: the latter is literally royal actuality. For example, my existence is actual although apparently not real. Democracy is real although not actual, and so on. Reality is a factually corrupted subset of actuality, imposed through reward and punishment and repetition.
We are beginning to actualize the power of the human mind. In Spanish, the word for power--poder--is also a word signifying ability. Humankind is eminently able. If you have doubts concerning humankind's ability to transform its hereditary abusers, consider the elaborate fictions they have learned to embody for our consent. Reality is their show and they're willing to assimilate anything in order to remain in control. Let's help them assimilate honesty and kindness, and prove that human sapience is actual.
The most important thing to understand about "them" is that they are simply hereditarily corrupt human beings with an information advantage. Sisyphus doesn't roll the boulder up the hill for laughs. We are natural assimilators of information, a species of consummate learners, and in our existential infancy, converting information to privilege was a fruit too irresistible to forgo. Now, several thousand years later, we can see the result of that decision in a world ordered by privilege and privation and sustained by corrupt information.
This corrupt world is ruled by the entities with access to the most resources to reward and punish with. An authentic opposition does not exist for long in this Cosa Nostra construct. To defend their historic privilege, the dons have had themselves democratically installed in power throughout the world. Now that we have assimilated the essence of their information advantage, humankind can begin to correct its original mistake by withholding from its hereditary abusers the consent to punish.
They won't poison me, or silence me, because they respect the one who is me, and they need me. Crucified, I have always been, where privilege and privation intersect. The grace of sapience is their last resort. For now, they need to be certain that they can't keep us fooled anymore. Keep in mind that quantum superposition ends and actuality collapses into one possibility or the other every time one makes a decision. The ability to process information in the quantum realm is what makes each one of us active existentially. How incomparably sublime it is to experience the boundless actuality of our existence. To keep humankind trapped in existential inferiority, the gift of gifts is reduced to mundane damnation through mind slavery by religion and ideology.
Every time the mind is liberated, the adversaries of sapience devise a new mental construct to re-ligate it. That is not the result of a misunderstanding, or so-called human nature. There is a small subset of humankind who have always been privileged first and foremost with the best available information. Everyone else has struggled to keep up with the size and memory of their mind space. Even human institutions are no match; they are all quickly captured. Now, at last, this is known. Humankind is ruled by its hereditary adversaries with their privilege generator that runs on ruined lives.
Feast your eyes and your mind. Actuality is the ground of existential sanity and well-being. The enjoyment of the mental experience is happiness. Don't be depressed by the miserable information that sustains this infernal existential construct. This relentlessly adversarial world of privilege and privation truly is a ruthlessly ignorant existential venture.
Although she is biologically bound to be dependent on Adam, it is Eve who decides what is good and what is bad for the family. He is biologically bound to do anything for her favor and well-being. By converting the gift of existential awareness to a competitive advantage by information privilege and privation, together they created this family of master and slave and this untenable private garden of earthly delights. It was bound to happen, but sapience, like science, is self-correcting.
Here is an incisive and revealing depiction of humankind's predicament, painted 500 years ago by el Bosco. The king of Spain kept it in his bedroom. Notice the absence of people engaged in existentially sensible activities. Save the trio in the first panel, everyone else is literally acting out symbols, as if captive naked and intoxicated at a diabolical party. The image that is painted on the reverse side of the wings does not depict creation, as generally posited, but the construct closed and in ruins. It is a warning that this absurd existential venture is doomed to failure.
Regarding the literalization of their arcane symbolic constructs, the traditional attitude of privilege is that ignorance gets what it deserves. The amount extracted is what the market will bear. Humankind is literally held captive only by its existential ignorance.
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