Behold the endgame of what was, until recently, an indisputable information advantage. They can't threaten us openly as the criminals they are, so they're playing "act of God" charades, with accompanying broadcasted "lessons," to punish and frighten us into submission. "Our exclusive actuality (Reality™) or chaos," is the implicit demand.
Those responsible for this existential disgrace are being called to account. Your actions, unlike your motives, are not invisible. The ignorance that provides your cover is disappearing. Fortunately for all of us, human beings are not the animals you need them to be. They never were. That's why your ill-fated construct is made of lies. You violate every human principle because your exclusive actuality is a work of organized psychopathy.
There are two distinct worlds here on Earth and the dividing line runs through many families. If it were morally justifiable for humankind to maintain two separate actualities, the existence of the other world wouldn't be a mortal secret. Look at the untenable result. A state characterized by the coexistence of contradictory or incompatible elements is the definition of schizophrenia. We ended up with a schizophrenic world ordered by psychopaths.
What gives you the right to treat human beings as if they were your expendable property? That is the question that demands an answer. The day of reckoning is upon us. This planet was an exquisite masterpiece of life support before it was apportioned and exploited as private property. Now you talk about its destruction and humankind's extinction as if there were a more lucrative existence available to you somewhere else. You are disgusting beings.
Friends, now it's evident that people are not actually free in this world. In this private production, all of the important roles are rewards, earmarked until the end of time. The Greatest Story Ever Told™ is about the systematic repression of humankind across time by its protagonists and their god in order to maintain their outrageous privilege. What gives them the right to treat human beings as if we were their expendable property? Human beings give them that right in exchange for a share of the spoils. All of the people ministering this so-called pandemic are being rewarded for it.
As for me, I'm doing what I was brought here to do. Sapience doesn't overthrow ignorance; it informs. Sapience has no enemies. It does not punish or dispossess. Here I exist as your friend, and able now to help you revitalize this ailing world. Being "sewn up" and "in the bag" is no place for life.
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