Friday, November 29, 2019


Information has always been and always will be the name of the game. Knowing this, one has the key bit.

For most of its history, humankind has been informed by the promoters of animality. Now, for the first time, they are losing their information monopoly. It is the end only of their miserable little world, their perfidious construct, the Gordian knot. For humankind, it is the beginning of actual sapience.

The adversaries of sapience are accustomed to unequivocally misleading the world through word and action. They set the topic daily and dominate the conversation. Only their ideas and points of view are considered. Everything else is misrepresented or ignored. That doesn't work anymore, and they have tried everything in their evil bag of tricks including siccing the "right" against the "left" and even men against women. They are working assiduously through their accumulated assets to exploit every division within humankind, and for the first time, it's not working. We are discovering that everything that is ugly in the world right now originates with the only ideas and points of view we are shown.

A representative of the information monopoly asked me, "What do you expect us to say?" They have dug a deep hole with humankind indeed. Soon, when the benefit of the doubt is expended and we have moved on, perhaps they will be compelled, for our attention, to finally tell the truth: "We abused humankind for thousands of years because it was inordinately profitable and nothing stopped us."

What does one do with a million years of sapience? Apparently one raises families to be unique, self-determining, and wholly sapient. Sapience makes time and place.

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