Aside from the ever decreasing bare minimum apportioned for the well-being of people, almost all of humankind's wealth goes to rewarding the friends of hereditary privilege, punishing its enemies, and keeping humankind captive in existential ignorance. Through ignorance, humankind finances its own captivity. For beings capable of sapience, this is an existential prison.
In actuality, the adversaries of sapience don't always win. Humankind was not even aware of its actual struggle, until now. This awareness we have earned.
Witness the inveterate symbologists and their full-spectrum disinformation support system attempt to vex and coerce humankind again through plagues. The crown virus is a deliberate affliction. The burning bush fires are arson. To them, humankind is spoiled produce now. Beware of desperate zealots. They were raised on humankind's manifest inferiority. They are cultured to believe that the "masses" are theirs to set upon and dominate by any means necessary. This world is manifestly theirs, after all. Most of us work for them in one capacity or another. They can do as they please. Defy them and they'll reward their cultured ignorami to punish you. Now it's unequivocally clear that this is the manner in which this fundamentally criminal world actually functions. The biological terrorism against China is a "bargaining chip" in the global mafia's ongoing "trade negotiations" with that country. The fires in California and Australia were punishments for political defiance. Of course, these acts are also aimed to terrorize us, as they boil us in excrement.
Humankind has not achieved an actual civilization, yet. It's still possible, though, perhaps now more than ever. Actual civilizations never fall, and they are not vulnerable to people knowing the facts of their existence. Civilizations are not made from dueling cults. This world is existentially dysfunctional. Sick people and a poisoned environment is what it produces. If this doesn't qualify as an infernum, then nothing does. People exterminate each other for heaven's sake. The ruling supernum is a den of genocidally privileged psychopaths.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Body Space
Nature is a forceful and merciless tyrant, but it yields to sapience.
Thankfully, this culture is sapient enough to recognize gender dysphoria as a condition that some people suffer from, and to offer gender re-assignment as a medical cure. The strength of my sexual biology became distressing for me when I was a young man, and I was naturally inclined since childhood to imagine myself as female. Caught in the relentless storm of hormonal intoxication, I found the way to silence it. In the process, I learned how to love men, and I learned something of what it's like to be a woman. I wouldn't have been able to understand what I do without having gone through what I did. I didn't do it deliberately, but it does seem to have done me deliberately.
I smoke cannabis every day because it introduced me to unadulterated mind space as a young man, and I learned to explore it that way. Studying art was an extension of that endeavor. I am not a role model because finding my role has been a lifelong challenge for me. Thankfully, this culture is sapient enough to accommodate misfits like me and glean valuable insights from our unorthodox points of view. My only quality worth emulating is my recently renewed dedication to being earnest and creative. Thankfully, the information stands on its own. Unlike deceit, candor is not a burden.
If we did not have the capacity to live domestically, we would be wild animals. The mind is eminently programmable toward that end. Our nature is to automatically process and assimilate information. The problem of course is in the quality of the information. We are also eminently susceptible to being misinformed and disinformed. The momentum of our conditioned state can trap us like robots in limited and arbitrary mind space.
The first time I smoked cannabis was like the transformation from a young biological automaton into a human being. I found that there is much more to the mind and existence than people seem to be aware of. That is an experience that is easy to get hooked on, although fortunately it is not physically addictive or toxic. It is worth noting that some people don't react well to the cognitive dissonance that the sudden loss of assimilated limits can cause. I worked past the discomfort. As a consequence of my pursuit of this state of mind, I met and became friends with a range of people that I would not have had access to otherwise. It is a formidable group as diverse as humankind, of people habitually seeking respite from their conditioned states. Thankfully, this culture is informally sapient enough to recognize the value of cannabis.
For a ritual sacrament o'sapience, I can imagine worse things than a weekly bong hit with friends. Do it and watch your churches be renewed. Jesus turned water into wine when he pulled out the kind bud and everyone ended up with cotton mouth. With the truth I tease the people for whom it is institutionally off-limits. To the God of biological automatons, I am Its nemesis incarnate. Thankfully, I am no longer figuratively crawling on my belly. I am the one who is me.
Thankfully, this culture is sapient enough to recognize gender dysphoria as a condition that some people suffer from, and to offer gender re-assignment as a medical cure. The strength of my sexual biology became distressing for me when I was a young man, and I was naturally inclined since childhood to imagine myself as female. Caught in the relentless storm of hormonal intoxication, I found the way to silence it. In the process, I learned how to love men, and I learned something of what it's like to be a woman. I wouldn't have been able to understand what I do without having gone through what I did. I didn't do it deliberately, but it does seem to have done me deliberately.
I smoke cannabis every day because it introduced me to unadulterated mind space as a young man, and I learned to explore it that way. Studying art was an extension of that endeavor. I am not a role model because finding my role has been a lifelong challenge for me. Thankfully, this culture is sapient enough to accommodate misfits like me and glean valuable insights from our unorthodox points of view. My only quality worth emulating is my recently renewed dedication to being earnest and creative. Thankfully, the information stands on its own. Unlike deceit, candor is not a burden.
If we did not have the capacity to live domestically, we would be wild animals. The mind is eminently programmable toward that end. Our nature is to automatically process and assimilate information. The problem of course is in the quality of the information. We are also eminently susceptible to being misinformed and disinformed. The momentum of our conditioned state can trap us like robots in limited and arbitrary mind space.
The first time I smoked cannabis was like the transformation from a young biological automaton into a human being. I found that there is much more to the mind and existence than people seem to be aware of. That is an experience that is easy to get hooked on, although fortunately it is not physically addictive or toxic. It is worth noting that some people don't react well to the cognitive dissonance that the sudden loss of assimilated limits can cause. I worked past the discomfort. As a consequence of my pursuit of this state of mind, I met and became friends with a range of people that I would not have had access to otherwise. It is a formidable group as diverse as humankind, of people habitually seeking respite from their conditioned states. Thankfully, this culture is informally sapient enough to recognize the value of cannabis.
For a ritual sacrament o'sapience, I can imagine worse things than a weekly bong hit with friends. Do it and watch your churches be renewed. Jesus turned water into wine when he pulled out the kind bud and everyone ended up with cotton mouth. With the truth I tease the people for whom it is institutionally off-limits. To the God of biological automatons, I am Its nemesis incarnate. Thankfully, I am no longer figuratively crawling on my belly. I am the one who is me.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Mind Space
The incarnations of the one who is me are each necessarily bound by humankind's mind space. I'm delighted to discover that our mind space now encompasses existence as well as the universe. Our existential horizon is actually infinite. Don't let the purveyors of reality convince you otherwise. They're willing to burn it all down for their absurd privilege.
On the difference between actuality and reality: the latter is literally royal actuality. For example, my existence is actual although apparently not real. Democracy is real although not actual, and so on. Reality is a factually corrupted subset of actuality, imposed through reward and punishment and repetition.
We are beginning to actualize the power of the human mind. In Spanish, the word for power--poder--is also a word signifying ability. Humankind is eminently able. If you have doubts concerning humankind's ability to transform its hereditary abusers, consider the elaborate fictions they have learned to embody for our consent. Reality is their show and they're willing to assimilate anything in order to remain in control. Let's help them assimilate honesty and kindness, and prove that human sapience is actual.

The most important thing to understand about "them" is that they are simply hereditarily corrupt human beings with an information advantage. Sisyphus doesn't roll the boulder up the hill for laughs. We are natural assimilators of information, a species of consummate learners, and in our existential infancy, converting information to privilege was a fruit too irresistible to forgo. Now, several thousand years later, we can see the result of that decision in a world ordered by privilege and privation and sustained by corrupt information.
This corrupt world is ruled by the entities with access to the most resources to reward and punish with. An authentic opposition does not exist for long in this Cosa Nostra construct. To defend their historic privilege, the dons have had themselves democratically installed in power throughout the world. Now that we have assimilated the essence of their information advantage, humankind can begin to correct its original mistake by withholding from its hereditary abusers the consent to punish.
They won't poison me, or silence me, because they respect the one who is me, and they need me. Crucified, I have always been, where privilege and privation intersect. The grace of sapience is their last resort. For now, they need to be certain that they can't keep us fooled anymore. Keep in mind that quantum superposition ends and actuality collapses into one possibility or the other every time one makes a decision. The ability to process information in the quantum realm is what makes each one of us active existentially. How incomparably sublime it is to experience the boundless actuality of our existence. To keep humankind trapped in existential inferiority, the gift of gifts is reduced to mundane damnation through mind slavery by religion and ideology.
Every time the mind is liberated, the adversaries of sapience devise a new mental construct to re-ligate it. That is not the result of a misunderstanding, or so-called human nature. There is a small subset of humankind who have always been privileged first and foremost with the best available information. Everyone else has struggled to keep up with the size and memory of their mind space. Even human institutions are no match; they are all quickly captured. Now, at last, this is known. Humankind is ruled by its hereditary adversaries with their privilege generator that runs on ruined lives.
Feast your eyes and your mind. Actuality is the ground of existential sanity and well-being. The enjoyment of the mental experience is happiness. Don't be depressed by the miserable information that sustains this infernal existential construct. This relentlessly adversarial world of privilege and privation truly is a ruthlessly ignorant existential venture.
Although she is biologically bound to be dependent on Adam, it is Eve who decides what is good and what is bad for the family. He is biologically bound to do anything for her favor and well-being. By converting the gift of existential awareness to a competitive advantage by information privilege and privation, together they created this family of master and slave and this untenable private garden of earthly delights. It was bound to happen, but sapience, like science, is self-correcting.

Here is an incisive and revealing depiction of humankind's predicament, painted 500 years ago by el Bosco. The king of Spain kept it in his bedroom. Notice the absence of people engaged in existentially sensible activities. Save the trio in the first panel, everyone else is literally acting out symbols, as if captive naked and intoxicated at a diabolical party. The image that is painted on the reverse side of the wings does not depict creation, as generally posited, but the construct closed and in ruins. It is a warning that this absurd existential venture is doomed to failure.
Regarding the literalization of their arcane symbolic constructs, the traditional attitude of privilege is that ignorance gets what it deserves. The amount extracted is what the market will bear. Humankind is literally held captive only by its existential ignorance.
On the difference between actuality and reality: the latter is literally royal actuality. For example, my existence is actual although apparently not real. Democracy is real although not actual, and so on. Reality is a factually corrupted subset of actuality, imposed through reward and punishment and repetition.
We are beginning to actualize the power of the human mind. In Spanish, the word for power--poder--is also a word signifying ability. Humankind is eminently able. If you have doubts concerning humankind's ability to transform its hereditary abusers, consider the elaborate fictions they have learned to embody for our consent. Reality is their show and they're willing to assimilate anything in order to remain in control. Let's help them assimilate honesty and kindness, and prove that human sapience is actual.
The most important thing to understand about "them" is that they are simply hereditarily corrupt human beings with an information advantage. Sisyphus doesn't roll the boulder up the hill for laughs. We are natural assimilators of information, a species of consummate learners, and in our existential infancy, converting information to privilege was a fruit too irresistible to forgo. Now, several thousand years later, we can see the result of that decision in a world ordered by privilege and privation and sustained by corrupt information.
This corrupt world is ruled by the entities with access to the most resources to reward and punish with. An authentic opposition does not exist for long in this Cosa Nostra construct. To defend their historic privilege, the dons have had themselves democratically installed in power throughout the world. Now that we have assimilated the essence of their information advantage, humankind can begin to correct its original mistake by withholding from its hereditary abusers the consent to punish.
They won't poison me, or silence me, because they respect the one who is me, and they need me. Crucified, I have always been, where privilege and privation intersect. The grace of sapience is their last resort. For now, they need to be certain that they can't keep us fooled anymore. Keep in mind that quantum superposition ends and actuality collapses into one possibility or the other every time one makes a decision. The ability to process information in the quantum realm is what makes each one of us active existentially. How incomparably sublime it is to experience the boundless actuality of our existence. To keep humankind trapped in existential inferiority, the gift of gifts is reduced to mundane damnation through mind slavery by religion and ideology.
Every time the mind is liberated, the adversaries of sapience devise a new mental construct to re-ligate it. That is not the result of a misunderstanding, or so-called human nature. There is a small subset of humankind who have always been privileged first and foremost with the best available information. Everyone else has struggled to keep up with the size and memory of their mind space. Even human institutions are no match; they are all quickly captured. Now, at last, this is known. Humankind is ruled by its hereditary adversaries with their privilege generator that runs on ruined lives.
Feast your eyes and your mind. Actuality is the ground of existential sanity and well-being. The enjoyment of the mental experience is happiness. Don't be depressed by the miserable information that sustains this infernal existential construct. This relentlessly adversarial world of privilege and privation truly is a ruthlessly ignorant existential venture.
Although she is biologically bound to be dependent on Adam, it is Eve who decides what is good and what is bad for the family. He is biologically bound to do anything for her favor and well-being. By converting the gift of existential awareness to a competitive advantage by information privilege and privation, together they created this family of master and slave and this untenable private garden of earthly delights. It was bound to happen, but sapience, like science, is self-correcting.
Here is an incisive and revealing depiction of humankind's predicament, painted 500 years ago by el Bosco. The king of Spain kept it in his bedroom. Notice the absence of people engaged in existentially sensible activities. Save the trio in the first panel, everyone else is literally acting out symbols, as if captive naked and intoxicated at a diabolical party. The image that is painted on the reverse side of the wings does not depict creation, as generally posited, but the construct closed and in ruins. It is a warning that this absurd existential venture is doomed to failure.
Regarding the literalization of their arcane symbolic constructs, the traditional attitude of privilege is that ignorance gets what it deserves. The amount extracted is what the market will bear. Humankind is literally held captive only by its existential ignorance.
Friday, January 3, 2020
God & Caesar Inc.
Is humankind for sale?
This ownership culture is the modern incarnation of slave owning culture. People naturally resist being enslaved, so the domineers devise ways to fool or compel people into it.
The concept of God is a symbolic substitute for human sapience. It locks up the attributes of sapience along with the attributes of ignorance, in a purported master and inaccessible to mere mortals. Instead of teaching people to be sapient, they are taught to be obedient, superstitious fools who waste their lives hoping and praying for this imaginary monstrosity to show them favor. With everything stacked against the truth and sapience as blasphemy, it's easier to believe any number of lies.
There is an immortal, wholly sapient being accompanying humankind, but instead of serving as a guide, his incarnations are on the treadmill that powers hereditary privilege. This artifice they call reality is a marvel of malevolent engineering. Its operators were convinced of their own mastery, until recently. As they are rediscovering, it takes only one perceptive individual to expose it.
Human beings would never knowingly and willingly sell what they already surrender to trickery: their actual sapience. This world is an inhuman deception and its owners are determined to stay on top of humankind. If not for lovely people, the beauty of nature, and the life of the mind, it would not be worth living in. The good news is that we are naturally equipped to be sapient.
What more can one possibly say? This is it. The truth is not a divine incantation delivered according to prophecy to validate the misunderstandings and lies in the Bible. As long as money rules the world, its rewards and punishments will continue to count more than the truth.
As your temporary existential guide, I recommend insisting on a world ordered by honesty where our cherished human principles are upheld. With humankind at present working for money to survive, for the sake of a secure and familiar place to begin, everything else can stay as it is.
This ownership culture is the modern incarnation of slave owning culture. People naturally resist being enslaved, so the domineers devise ways to fool or compel people into it.
The concept of God is a symbolic substitute for human sapience. It locks up the attributes of sapience along with the attributes of ignorance, in a purported master and inaccessible to mere mortals. Instead of teaching people to be sapient, they are taught to be obedient, superstitious fools who waste their lives hoping and praying for this imaginary monstrosity to show them favor. With everything stacked against the truth and sapience as blasphemy, it's easier to believe any number of lies.
There is an immortal, wholly sapient being accompanying humankind, but instead of serving as a guide, his incarnations are on the treadmill that powers hereditary privilege. This artifice they call reality is a marvel of malevolent engineering. Its operators were convinced of their own mastery, until recently. As they are rediscovering, it takes only one perceptive individual to expose it.
Human beings would never knowingly and willingly sell what they already surrender to trickery: their actual sapience. This world is an inhuman deception and its owners are determined to stay on top of humankind. If not for lovely people, the beauty of nature, and the life of the mind, it would not be worth living in. The good news is that we are naturally equipped to be sapient.
What more can one possibly say? This is it. The truth is not a divine incantation delivered according to prophecy to validate the misunderstandings and lies in the Bible. As long as money rules the world, its rewards and punishments will continue to count more than the truth.
As your temporary existential guide, I recommend insisting on a world ordered by honesty where our cherished human principles are upheld. With humankind at present working for money to survive, for the sake of a secure and familiar place to begin, everything else can stay as it is.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Clarity of Mind
A year to remind one of the importance of existential acuity. May it be a truly happy revolution around the sun.
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