If you ask me now why I changed my gender when I was a young man, I can tell you that I had a long and fierce personal battle with one of this angry world's contorted monsters, and that I triumphed over it when it lost its power over me. Of course I'm talking about the male libido.
Fortunately I regained my mind and my time from it because that was only the first of the monsters I have had to fight. At one point, about 4 years ago, I stopped taking my heart & thyroid medications and I almost died. My family intervened and I decided to stay a little longer on behalf of life. This path I'm on has been very difficult, but I have managed to understand my situation somewhat lucidly, and I have managed to repair many of the broken aspects of my existence.
The world I live in has been thoroughly dominated by private law for thousands of years. Privilege is so deeply embedded here that its perpetuation appears to be the actual purpose of this world. Everything else is an elaborate deception.
This Tower of Babel world I live in is a prison of invisible walls maintained by various well-fed contorted monsters of ignorance. It was decided thousands of years ago by privilege, for the sake of its continued existential advantage, that humankind would be deliberately kept divided, and in ignorance. Since then, humankind has effectively been on trial for the quality of its existence, with privilege as the unrelenting and merciless prosecutor, demonstrating time and again that human beings are reprehensible animals deserving of their miserable second-class existence.
Everyone here depends on privilege in one way or another, and an alternative structure has not been allowed to exist. All talk here regarding things like democracy, human rights, and justice is bullshit, and humankind will continue to be on trial as long as it allows its existence to be inhumanly contorted by the inducements of privilege.
What is it that humankind needs to do in order to triumph over its contorted nature? What is it that has the power to resist privilege in perpetuity? That is the key to an actual civilization, and where the success of the species can be found. That is the only "great replacement" that matters in this world, and privilege is willing to arrange any number of hells to keep it from happening.
The competing power structures in this world are all reward & punishment regimes, all republican, and all amenable to privilege.
Considering historically the odds against an honest world, one might conclude that humankind doesn't stand a chance of ever achieving one. But opportunities are indeed provided time and again. The problem is, what humankind needs can not be delivered by any individual or by representatives. We must learn to do the important things for ourselves. Sapience is not substitutionary. The election of representatives is for positions of privilege. The only suitable way for a sapient species to be administered is through actual democracy.