The world has been dominated for thousands of years by the so-called interests of those who would own it. Against the inherent tyranny of such interests, humankind has struggled mightily yet blindly for its emancipation, causing a simulacrum of history and progress while keeping itself fundamentally captive to those metamorphic interests.
It is an information advantage that has always kept humankind divided and captive, and for the first time ever, its hegemony is threatened. That is why humankind has been put in a pressure cooker of would-be Duces and bros homicidally committed to preserving their historical privileges, in addition to a global pandemic of unknown origin. This is most definitely an existential test, and so far, humankind has managed to avoid destroying its civilization, yet again, to rescue the interests of its owners.
The name of the ownership game is divide by any means and conquer. That is what humankind's limited resources are paying for. The owners of the world are desperately attempting to arrange a global reset that is more to their liking. They don't care about people. Try to keep in mind that the actual world of human beings is nothing like the myopic dystopian view pushed by their "full-spectrum" private media. Contrary to its incessant prognostications of disaster, the world is not about to end, but perhaps it is the end of humankind's captivity.
People who should know better claim that "democracy" is under threat in the USA. Franchised participation by proxy is not democracy. This romanesque republic is divide and conquer by government. Here, the population is factionalized into opposing camps with the power of capital punishment over each other. What we see happening, the flagrantly deliberate attempt to incite the population to civil war, is a function of this republic. The government of the USA is for republicans, including the Democratic Republicans, (the original name of the Democratic Party). Democracy, like the public, is not actually represented by the private property reward and punishment regime that owns this republic.

Look at the twin fasces and other imperial Roman paraphernalia adorning the House Chamber of the U.S. Capitol. Those fasces have their axe heads, representing the power of capital punishment, always exposed and facing each other. A republic is divide and conquer by government. To that end, the ruling plutocracy will offer republics in any flavor (democratic, socialist, nationalist...) but never actual democracy. This particular republic is a fascist construct to begin with. To factionalize the population into competing camps is what fascism actually is. Here you see it institutionalized and enshrined with ornamental Roman columns, the House aquila mace, the national flag, and a shout-out to Jove's ability to keep humankind divided.
Like the Roman original, this republic survives on scapegoats and vigilantes.
George Washington warned us about factionalism and political parties in his farewell address.