The Cube of Cubes is made from 5/4 rough cut cherry rejects. It is approximately 12 inches cubed and the top contains 100 one inch cubes, end grain up.
I have been trying to stay busy in this information prison doing creative work. My new philosophy, in contrast with the destructive manufactured zeitgeist, is to "move fast and fix things." In this captive world, popular culture offers only manipulation.
If one were to believe the "reality" that is reported uniformly every day, humankind is a savage and irrational species on the brink of extinction and ecocide. That is what the information advantage acting as God needs one to believe. The truth is that we are information slaves, deliberately kept in perpetual conflict with each other.
The silver lining of this very old and pernicious cloud is that "God" is stupid. It has yet to understand that knowledge is not wisdom. It is still driven by its physical passions, making the same mistakes again and again. Behind President Poo-fingers, the Cosmic Jackass is the hand of hereditary privilege, arbitrarily administering the world through punishment and reward. Humankind is finally outgrowing it. It remains to be seen how the "Lord" will ultimately respond. Judging by its narrative, it has us on the brink of extinction and ecocide.
Don't believe that history is subject to the inevitable travails of a damaged and failing species. Current events are choreographed for effect. Demiurge Inc. manufactures the reality it needs to stay on top of humankind. This brilliant species, through the networks of hereditary privilege, is made captive to the machinations of retarded psychopaths. Humankind was captured young. History is the record of its drive for emancipation.
The problem with existence in an information prison is that the actual enemy is the information source. Although it is a truism, it is only now becoming apparent in practice. Justice demands an end to the exploitation of humankind. Human beings are not livestock to be herded and consumed nor robots to be programmed. Integrity demands that the world be ordered by the truth and not by the exclusive interests of hereditary privilege. Liberty demands actual democracy without representation.