Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Time is Temporary

The old man makes it to order. Space is its form.

Every thing is a product of time. Galaxies are its projections.

Time is asymmetry. It is the singularity.

Time is gravity. It is the will to be.

Time is one-dimensional only where it intersects the matter-antimatter field. It is wholly volumetric.

Time is the imagination of existence.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Tree of Life

Ba'al's trump card is a structure in the human body ("stone") which contains a backup of the individual in the form of an egg cell. After death, it can be fertilized and planted in the womb, giving the individual another life.

That is how, in the attempt to make a heaven and hell of this world, Ba'al and his worshipers have succeeded only in making it hell.

Monday, October 2, 2017


Violence serves only to enforce injustice; it has no place in a civilized world.

Justice is a construct of love and intelligence.

Evidently, Ba'al is not interested in civilized worlds. For several thousand years, through his worshipers, he has been attempting to construct a permanent injustice in the old man's name. He can do many things through them, but they obviously are unable to help him understand what it means to be god.

Buddy, the image of god is not that of a mass murderer desperately attempting to render a permanent, submissive, unresistant state in humankind. That is what you look like naked. Thankfully, in actuality no one is condemned to live a miserable role in an ugly story.

The old man does not create to possess. He is, however, eternally responsible.

Ba'al's Donkey Kong apparatus is not too big to fail, because humankind is. It will fail because it is intrinsically devoid of integrity. That is the directrix of the old man's parabola.